“Yes. At least, they were until they started getting married, and they didn’t need me anymore. If they didn’t need me for sex, I was afraid they wouldn’t want me anymore. I thought at least Shade would, because I tried to make him the happiest, but he only wanted Lily. Then Lucky fell for Willa, and he didn’t need me, either. I kept trying to be what they needed me to be, but it was never enough. You’ll eventually get tired of me, too.”

“That’s not going to happen.”

“It will. It always does.” Her voice was matter-of-fact. Bliss truly believed she wasn’t worth holding on to.

“It’s not going to happen. I’m telling you the truth, Bliss. I’m in love with you.” He sighed. “I didn’t have sex with you when we first started dating because I was courting you.”

Her face peeked up from his shoulder. “You were?”

“I was until I realized it wasn’t working. Then I went to plan B.”

“Plan B?”

“To make you fall in love with my dick.” He wanted to see the laughter back in her eyes.

“I have to admit it worked,” she joked back, trying to mask the love shining in her eyes, too wary to tell him outright how she felt about him.

“It did?”

“Drake, that dick of yours is all any woman could ever want and more.” Her shoulders shook with laughter. “I fell in love with you as soon as you pulled it out of your pants.”

“That’s not the first time I’ve heard that joke,” he said wryly, and Bliss giggled harder.

Drake stared down at the beautiful sprite. She was less than half his size, but her spirit was the size of Mount Everest. She was filled with a capacity to love that was unequaled. She had stuck by a woman who had never been capable of giving her a stable home, but Bliss had given her mother one by giving her body to those who had taken and abused her.

Stark wasn’t a young man. His long beard had been grizzled and grey. The thought of Bliss being subjected to that old bastard made Drake want to get his shotgun out. The only reason he hadn’t gone after him yet was because he saw no reason to spend the rest of his life in prison when that jackass was going to make it easy for him.

Eventually, he would come back for Bliss, and when he did, Drake would kill him and shove Stark’s own dick down his throat.

“What are we going to do about your poor hair?”

“It will grow back.” Bliss self-consciously started to touch the short tufts, all that was left.

“Yes, it will. The next time you feel like you may have something in your hair, promise me you’ll tell me, and I’ll look and get them out without you hurting yourself.” Drake reached out, pulling her hands down again.

“I couldn’t let you do that.”

“I got them out of Jace’s hair twice when he was little. I’m an expert at them.”


“Really.” Drake curled his hand around her nape, lifting her head so his lips could tease hers. “I don’t blame the little bastards. You’re too sweet.” He brought his mouth to her neck, teasing it as the robe fell off her shoulders.

“I thought you ordered pizza. What are you doing?”

“Making you fall in love with me all over again.”

* * *

Bliss hesitated with her hand on the door, trying to work up the courage to enter. Why in the hell was she here, anyway? She had lost her mind if she thought Sex Piston would help her.

Sighing, she dropped her hand away from the door and turned, bumping into someone about to enter the beauty salon.

“Excuse me—” Bliss’s voice came to a stop when she recognized the woman glaring down at her.

“What are you doing here?” Killyama blocked her path to her car.

“I was going to get my hair done, but I can tell Sex Piston’s busy, so I’ll come back some other time.” Bliss spoke in a rush.

Killyama’s brows rose in surprise. “You came here to get your hair done?”

“Beth and Lily always said she’s the best in the state.” Bliss pulled Ginny’s coat tighter against her, trying to keep the cold wind out.

“My bitch has to hear this.” Killyama laughed, reaching out to open the door then herding her inside the shop.

Several women were sitting in chairs as they waited their turns. T.A., who was sitting behind the front desk, threw her a disgusted look, which Bliss was familiar with. It was the one most women gave her. Sex Piston and Crazy Bitch were both working on customers. The only one in Sex Piston’s crew who was missing was Fat Louise, who must be at work at the nearby hospital.

“Why in the fuck is she here?” Sex Piston turned off the blow dryer. Her loud voice had the women in the shop waiting to witness the spectacle.