Stark raped her the first night she spent in the clubhouse.

The following morning, she managed to dress herself and beg her mother to leave. However, her pleas fell on deaf ears, and Stark dragged her back to her room, threatening to kill both of them if she tried to leave. Young and terrified, she stayed.

When she had just turned seventeen, her mother became ill. The bikers were going to throw her mom away, since no one wanted an ill junkie and she no longer served her purpose. Her mom would have ended up in a state-run facility. Bliss held a part-time job at the time, handing the money over to Stark each payday, but she didn’t make enough to support both of them if they left, especially with all the medical needs her mother had. Stark gave her another option. She could earn her and her mother’s keep by replacing her as one of the club whores.

Bliss could have run away from it all, and to that day, she didn’t know why she hadn’t. She certainly had no love lost between her and her mother, but she had been all Bliss had left in the world. She didn’t even have a high school diploma. She and her mother had moved so often, Child and Family Services had lost track of her long before.

Although her mother was a worthless piece of shit, something was better than nothing. Therefore, she became the club whore, letting the men use her, all the while burying the disgust for herself deep within until she no longer felt anything when she was under their thrusting bodies.

As she grew older, she realized Stark would have never let her go. He had only pretended to give her the option so she would be more compliant when his men took her. A whore was no fun if they had to constantly rape her to take what they wanted. No, they wanted her on her knees, willingly giving them the blow jobs they demanded.

Despite Stark letting his men fuck her, he made sure they knew she was his old lady. Being the meanest and roughest of all the bikers, she had dreaded when he took her. Each time became worse than the one before, often leaving her bruised and hurting. He would make himself come when he was fucking her by strangling her until she passed out. Each time she lost consciousness she thought it would be the last, that death would finally claim her.

She began thinking about leaving the club when her mother died. With no reason to tolerate them or their abuse anymore, Bliss had made plans, becoming more and more frightened of Stark’s violent behavior.

The night she was rescued from the Devil’s Rejects was one she would never forget. By the time daylight hit Ohio, she was at The Last Riders’ clubhouse, and the last vestiges of gentleness and kindness in her disposition were gone. She quit being a sucker and thinking things were going to get better in her life. They weren’t. Men were all the same, wanting the same thing—to use her and not feel guilty for it.

After the Devil’s Rejects, it took her a while to recognize that The Last Riders were different. They had the same goal of rocking their nuts off in her, but at least they didn’t hurt her or make her feel like a whore. They even allowed her to try to become a member when she asked.

Cash and Shade had warned her that the brothers would treat her fairly, but they wouldn’t tolerate the women being catty to one another. However, she had ignored the rules, becoming immune to their threats of throwing her out of the club.

She had thrown herself at the male members who were married right in front of their wives. The worst had been when she had insinuated that she would have sex with Lucky when he had only wanted to talk to her privately. That had been the final straw, but the sad part was she had been striking out to hurt them as much as she was hurting.

She should have backed away from Shade the night The Last Riders’ enforcer had become drunk enough to expose his feelings for Lily. The innocent woman hadn’t even known of Shade’s interest in her.

She had stolen his heart without even trying, and while Bliss had used every weapon at her disposal to turn his attention to her, she didn’t have long black hair and violet eyes. Her own short, spiky, blonde hair was the exact opposite, her eyes a dull blue. Then there was Lily’s sweet innocence, which was in direct contrast to the sex games Bliss excelled in and had come to enjoy. Furthermore, Lily ran from being a submissive, whereas Bliss embraced it.

The Dom/sub relationship made her feel cared for and loved during the short time she had managed to capture Shade’s attention. Then she not only couldn’t capture his attention, but she rarely managed to catch a glimpse of him.