Drake brought his hand to her hair, holding her in place as his mouth captured hers and took the kiss she was being stingy with. His tongue wrapped around hers before sucking it into his mouth.

She fucking loved the way he tasted, like a dark, rich brandy and something else that had her lifting her head in surprise.

“Have your cousins been in for a visit?”

“Greer needed a favor, and he always brings his best when he’s bargaining.”

Bliss went to her knees between his thighs. “Did you save me any?”

“I might have one or two in my desk, but I wouldn’t be part Porter if I didn’t make you bargain for it.”

Bliss unbuckled his belt. “I think I might have something you would be willing to bargain for.” Reverently, she pulled his already-thick cock out of his pants.

Leaning over, she licked the broad tip, and Drake sucked in a deep breath as his ass came slightly off the chair.

Bliss rolled her tongue around the tip, wondering how in the hell she was ever going to fit him in her mouth.

She scooted closer on her knees as she stroked his cock with a soft touch while her mouth circled the head. His hand went to the back of her neck as she sucked him into the warmth of her mouth.

“Why do you wear so much hair spray?” He stroked her neck, making goose bumps rise on her flesh.

Bliss lifted her head so she could answer him. “I like knowing it will stay in place.”

“It’s definitely not going anywhere. You should let your hair grow out some. You would look hot as fuck with longer hair.”

She flicked her tongue against the slit of his dick. “You don’t think I’m hot now?”

A groan was her only answer.

Bliss used her tongue to give her hand enough moisture to slide slickly up and down his huge cock. Rubbing her breasts against his leg, she used every bit of the skills she had acquired from living with The Last Riders to wreck the control Drake never lost.

He kept his hand on her neck, making her hornier the more she sucked on him. She tried to take more yet couldn’t.

“Stop trying to take more than you can. The head is the most sensitive part, anyway.”

Bliss wanted to groan in frustration. Not many women would have tried to take more than the head, but she was determined to outdo any woman before her.

Relaxing her throat and breathing through her nose, she scooted even closer so she could change her angle. A surge of pride went through her when she felt him slide deeper in her mouth, reaching her throat.

“Son of a bitch!”

She wanted to grin when she felt him make himself still so he wouldn’t hurt her.

Gliding her hand down, she found his balls and squeezed them both. At the same time, she forced herself to swallow, tightening her throat around his thick cock. A second later, his balls tightened as she felt the first taste of his climax.

When he was finished, she raised her head, giving the slit a last flick.

The dumbfounded expression on his face had her giggling.

“I take it you liked it?”

Drake opened his desk drawer, taking out a baggie with three joints. “I’m not even going to make you share.”

* * *

Bliss pushed the star with the revolving Santa sleigh down carefully on the top of the tree. It was so old and delicate she was afraid it was going to break.

Climbing down the ladder, she picked up the cord at the bottom of the tree. All the lights blinked then went out before coming back on in a twinkling rhythm.

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”

Ginny placed the last ornament before stepping back to view the tree they had been working on for several hours. “It’s the prettiest I’ve ever had.”

“Me, too,” Bliss agreed. “Want some hot chocolate?”

“That sounds really good right now. I’ll make it.” Ginny used the toe of her tennis shoe to scoot an empty box out of the way.

“I will. You made the last cup. It’s my turn.”

“Okay, I’ll clean up in here, then.” Ginny began throwing the discarded bits and pieces of decorations they hadn’t used into the empty box.

Bliss went into the kitchen, humming “Jingle Bells.” There were three weeks until Christmas, but the snow outside and decorating the tree had put her in a festive mood.

The hot chocolate was almost done when she heard the doorbell. She assumed it was someone for Ginny since no one except Drake ever came by for her, and he, Jace, and Cal were having dinner with the Navy guy.

She fixed an extra mug in case Ginny wanted to offer one to her guest. Then, carrying them carefully into the other room, she kept her eyes cast down so she wouldn’t spill any of the hot liquid.