“I stand a snowball’s chance in hell of winning an election in this town.”

“Why? Everyone seems to like you.” Bliss didn’t think it would be as difficult as he believed. People came up to him constantly to say hi or to seek his advice when they were out.

“Because I wouldn’t bend over to kiss ass in order to get votes.”

“Maybe the town is ready for someone new. You won’t know if you don’t try,” she urged.

“Even if I manage to win the mayoral election, nothing will change if I don’t have allies on the city council.”

“It will if you can convince others in town who are as concerned as you to run.”

“There are three seats up for re-election. It would take all three to be on my side to force an outside audit and to get projects funded.”

“You have a year to figure out who those people could be and convince them.”

“You’re a smart woman.”

Bliss blushed at his compliment, moving to stand in front of him. “I better go before I change my mind.” She rose up on her toes to try to reach his mouth yet couldn’t quite make it.

His hands circled her waist, lifting her higher and meeting her halfway.

“I want you to change your mind.”

She expected a passionate kiss; instead, she was overcome by a tenderness she had never dealt with before. There was something there she had never felt before either, but she wasn’t sure what it was. She tried to put a name to the elusive emotion affecting her.

She wiggled until he placed her back on her feet.

“Drake, can I ask you a question?”

“Of course.”

“Do you like me?”

“Of course.”

Bliss shook her head at him, disappointed. She started past him but was stopped.

“What was that look for? I answered your question, but you don’t look like you believe me.”

“Because I don’t. No one likes me.” Why would he be any different than anyone else?

“That’s not true. The Last Riders care about you. Jace, Cal, and I all do. Ask any woman in town I’ve been with. They’ll all tell you that I haven’t told them one lie when I was seeing them.”

He wasn’t making it better. Each word spilling from his lips was reinforcing the conclusion she had come to on her own: he was blowing smoke up her ass.

The Last Riders had tolerated her because she was always game for anything they wanted. Did she believe any of them liked her when they weren’t humping her? Hell no. If she were to ask any member of the club what her favorite color was, not one male or female would be able to answer the question.

“The Last Riders don’t care about me. They threw me out of the club. Jace, Cal, and you haven’t known me long enough to know if you like me or not.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes!” Bliss snapped. “I’m no different than any other woman you’ve fucked in town.”

Drake burst into laughter.

“Are you laughing at me?” Hurt, she tried to leave again.

“Bliss, I was the one trying to take time to get to know you better. You’re the one who was determined to keep everything on a physical level. Let me remind you that I have made it perfectly clear to you that I want to have a relationship with you, which is what I thought you were agreeing with when you called. Now you’re getting angry at me because I told you I care about you?”

Bliss had to admit she might have overreacted and was deathly afraid to admit why.

“I need to leave.”

Drake easily lifted her so he could look into her eyes.

“What’s wrong?” That time, his question was a demand.

“I think I like you, too.” She was frightened to reveal her feelings out loud, both to herself and Drake. Men liked the chase, losing interest once they had achieved their goal.

She liked that he asked her first what she wanted to eat when they went out. She liked that he didn’t look at other women when they went out, rode a bike, and damn, she really liked the way he treated her as if she had the cleanest reputation in town. Most of all, she really liked the way he kissed her.

She kept expecting him to become bored and make an excuse to leave. She dreaded the thought that each time she saw him would be the last. It was like standing on a railroad track, waiting for a train to hit you.

His expression gentled. “And that’s bad?”

“Time will tell.”

She wasn’t a schoolgirl who believed in sweet endings. She was a grown woman who had watched others win the men in her life.

Could she handle letting another man she cared about move on to another woman when he tired of her? As always, she was going to take the ride and hope for the best. She was going to take the risk that Drake was being straight with her. What did she have to lose at this point?