“That isn’t true!” Carina yelled.

“It is, but you don’t want to admit it,” Teresa said snidely before giving a careless shrug. “You can listen and maybe find out something that way, without drawing attention to yourself.”

Jane took a drink of her now lukewarm coffee. “But I don’t want to … fuck anyone.”

Teresa gave another shrug. “If it gets to that point, just motion to Carina or me, and we will take care of them. Are you sure, though? The money can be good for very little effort.”

“I’m sure.” Jane nodded her head empathically.

“Okay.” Teresa stood up, stretching. Yawning, she set her cup down on the counter. “I need to get some sleep before tonight.” With that, she left Jane and Carina alone.

“Are you sure you want to do this? You could go back and try to get the authorities there to help you.”

“Would it work?”


“Then I don’t have a choice, do I?”

* * *

Jane casually wiped the counter while listening to the conversations going on at the bar. She hadn’t come any closer to finding Bailey; however, the little she had found out terrified her. The Silva family was heavily involved in organized crime and controlled not just one city in Mexico but several. It wasn’t going to be as easy to get Bailey out as she had believed.

“Give me another beer.” A loud voice drew her to the end of the bar.

Reaching for a beer under the counter, she placed it in front of the man, intending to turn away after she took his money, but his hand closed around her wrist.

“Where you going? Stay and keep me company.”

Jane leaned against the counter. He was handsome, but something about him repulsed her. Maybe it was the yellow teeth or his overly tight grip on her wrist, but something about him made her want to escape. Forcing herself to relax, she gave him a smile.

“I haven’t seen you in here before.”

“I’m Carina’s cousin.” Doubt entered his eyes as he stared at her. “I grew up in El Paso and wanted to visit my mother’s side of the family,” Jane lied smoothly.

His doubt disappeared, and he gave her a smile, showing his yellow teeth again. “You’re smart wanting to learn about your Mexican heritage. I bet you don’t even want to go back home after you learned the difference between men from the States and Mexican men.”


“That we’re better lovers.” His tight grip became caressing, making her skin crawl.


His beady eyes narrowed on her. “You don’t agree?”

“I do. I do,” Jane hastily agreed yet couldn’t help her next comment. “But men in the United States have bigger dicks, so I won’t be staying long.”

His hand stop stroking her, and he jerked her toward him, her breasts pressing flat on the counter as he tried to pull her over it. “Then let me change your mind.”

Jane motioned for Teresa, who gave her an angry look as she came up beside the man who was trying to rip her arm out of its socket. “Juan, what are you doing? Are you trying to make me jealous?” Juan's scowl turned into a smile as Teresa rubbed up against him.

“No. Why would I want to make you angry, my little flower?” Jane wanted to vomit as Teresa passionately kissed Juan, rubbing her big breasts against him before pulling away teasingly.

“Go on upstairs. The door is unlocked. I’ll be there in a minute.” Juan was out the door in a flash.

Teresa lowered her voice to a near whisper. “If you keep making the men angry, I’m going to let you be the one to have to fuck them into a better mood. I’m getting sick of bailing your ass out of trouble.”

“I’m sorry.” She should have kept her mouth shut. Jane was angry at herself for placing Teresa in the position of having to bail her out of trouble again.

“Just keep your mouth shut and smile,” Teresa grumbled, leaving the bar.

“What happened?” A hateful voice from behind had her turning to face her new boss.

Jorge was an asshole. He had let Teresa and Carina convince him to let her have a job after they had gone into his private office with him. Jane didn’t want to speculate what it had taken for the two women to get him to agree. Regardless, he consistently kept her under his thumb, watching every move she made as if she were going to steal the money he kept in the cash register.

When she hadn’t taken any of the customers upstairs the first two nights she worked, he had wanted to fire her, but Jane had offered to take less money in pay until she was working practically for free. Jane hadn’t missed the fact that, each time Carina and Teresa returned after taking a man upstairs, they would hand Jorge money.