Jane shook her head. “Her last text message was to my father, saying her husband wanted them to stay longer, but she wanted to come home.”

“You are going to Peñuela?”

“As soon as I can catch the next bus.”

“You know where she is in Peñuela?”

“No. I only met her husband once, and we didn’t talk much.”

“You can’t go knocking on people’s doors, asking questions,” Carina warned.

“I know that. I thought I would ask around if anyone knew Raul’s family, Silva.” Actually, she had been so focused in trying to reach Peñuela safely that she hadn’t given much thought to how she would find where her sister was living.

Carina’s face went white. She gripped Jane’s arm tightly. “You can’t do that!” she hissed.


This time it was Carina’s turn to remain silent.

“Please tell me,” Jane pleaded.

“I have heard of the Silva family. They are very dangerous and involved in many things I do not want to know about. My cousin worked in the bar before I did. She met someone from the Silva organization, and they became involved.” Carina shuddered. “She moved to Peñuela to be with him and rarely sees her family anymore. They keep their women close.”

Jane already knew that piece of information. Bailey wouldn’t have easily given up her pampered lifestyle in the United States unless she had been forced to.

Jane’s mind whirled as she tried to think about what her next step should be.

“Where are you going to stay tonight? No bus will be leaving for Peñuela so late.”

“I don’t know.”

“Stay with me. I think I may have an idea to help.”

Jane stared at her steadily, attempting to decide if she should trust the woman.

Carina’s tanned complexion was smooth and without blemish, her dark eyes clear and straightforward, and the long mass of black hair had been swept away from her beautiful face. It was ultimately the concern in her expression for a stranger that had Jane deciding to trust her.

“I’ll stay the night and take the bus tomorrow. Thanks.”

After Carina nodded in response, they talked quietly as the bus drove. Carina told her more about her large family as well as her fiancé who was also waiting for her in Ciudad Valles.

“He doesn’t mind you being away?”

“No, we are saving money to buy a home when we get married.” Carina took her phone out of her pocket to show a picture of a handsome man standing next to her. It was obvious by way they were staring into each other’s eyes that they were very much in love. It was the same expression Jane had caught on Sex Piston’s and Stud’s faces when they thought themselves unobserved.

It was almost dark when the bus entered Córdoba, but there was enough light for Jane to see the city was much larger than she had envisioned.

She got off the bus and walked next to Carina, trying to keep up with her fast pace.

“I thought you said it wasn’t as dangerous as I had heard,” Jane puffed.

“It isn’t until it gets dark.”

Jane gazed up at the rapidly darkening sky. “How much longer?”

“Not far.” Carina turned down one street then another, the buildings getting farther and farther apart and older and older as they passed. She made a right onto a street that was almost completely dark, the only light coming from a sign outside a small building.

Carina pointed in relief. “That’s it. Come on.”

Jane’s wariness returned, but she foolishly followed, telling herself everything would be fine. If Killyama were there, she would kick her ass for being so trusting.

Carina didn’t go in the front door, going instead to the back where she kicked a beer bottle out of their path that led up a flight of steps. Taking a key from her pocket, she opened the door. Jane took a hesitant step inside, instantly relieved when she saw the bright apartment.

“It’s very pretty,” Jane complimented, staring at the bright red couch with the small coffee table sitting in front of it. It had a small kitchen with two stools sitting in front of the counter that was tiled in a myriad of bright colors.

“The couch pulls out into a bed. I share the apartment with Teresa. We sleep in the bedroom.” She pointed to an open doorway down a small hallway. “She’s working downstairs in the bar tonight. I need to get changed and go down to help out. Will you be all right alone?”

“Yes. I’ll take a shower if you don’t mind and get some sleep.”

“That sounds good. I’ll be back after my shift.” She went inside the bedroom and closed the door.

Jane found a hiding place for her backpack with the gun inside before taking off her cap. She ran her fingers through her damp hair, feeling its filthiness. Although she was anxious to take a shower and wash the grime away, she wasn’t thrilled about having to put her dirty clothes back on.