“I don’t want another woman.” Cade reached out to cup her cheek.

“I can’t let you hurt me again.”

“I won’t.” His thumb traced her bottom lip.

“I don’t trust you.”

Cade leaned forward, gently touching her lips with his. His hand cupped the back of her neck as he walked backward into his bedroom. Shutting the door, he pressed her back against it.

“Give me another chance.”

“No. I’m not going to give you another chance to hurt me. If we do this, it’s going to be what it is—just sex,” Jane said, the words stripping her soul away. “Leave town when you want. Do what you want. I’m not going to expect a damn thing from you, Cade.”

Cade felt her words as if they were flicks of a whip against his skin. She was emotionally distancing herself from him.

Tracing her lips with his tongue, he then parted them, thrusting inside. The faint moan she gave as he drew her closer to his body revealed the lie of her trying to remain aloof. Her tongue dueled with his, searching his mouth in turn, her passion showing her hunger for him. When Cade gave her the control she was searching for, he felt her hands run over his chest, going to the snap of his jeans and unzipping them.

Cade nipped at her neck before breaking the kiss to take off her T-shirt. His hand went for the little cherry nipples he had fantasized about for the last six months. He groaned as their sweet taste filled his mouth.

“No one tastes like you.” Cade’s hand went to her hips, sliding down her pants. Kneeling in front of her, he took off her boots and pants before nuzzling her smooth stomach. “You taste like candy. I’m going to make you melt in my mouth.” Cade parted her thighs, placing one over his shoulder as she braced herself against the door.

“Cade…what I thought we had that night was special, it’s gone I don’t feel that way anymore.”

“Just because a rose looses a few petals, doesn’t mean it isn’t still beautiful.”

His tongue slid between the lips of her pussy, going back and forth, rubbing her clit. Her hands clutched his shoulders as he felt the fine tremors of her climax.

He gave a short laugh. “You were hungry, weren’t you?” Cade looked up to see her face turn bright red.

He stood, picking her up, and her legs wrapped around his waist. Cade turned to his bed, placing her on the soft mattress, where he stared at her hungrily as he took off his boots and jeans before ripping off his T-shirt. When his hands returned to her thighs, she stopped him.

“Get a condom. I’m not fucking you without one.”

Cade didn’t argue with her. Opening the drawer of his nightstand, he grabbed one. A minute later, he was slipping between her warm thighs.

“You know what I love about fucking you?” He slid his dick into her welcoming wetness, nudging his cock into her opening. “You don’t take forever to warm up. Most women want twenty minutes of foreplay, and then two for fucking.”

“Why waste my appetite on an appetizer when I can have dinner, instead?”

Cade caught the tip of her nipple in his mouth as he thrust his length fully inside her. “You can fight how you feel about me all you want, but your pussy is telling me all I need to know.”

“Women fuck men all the time that they don’t care about,” Jane gasped.

Cade tilted her hips upwards, driving his cock into her more forcefully. Her body recognized her feelings even as her mind fought them.

“Then why were you a virgin the first time I fucked you? Why haven’t you fucked Rock? Because you only wanted me, just like I only want you.”

“No.” Jane shook her head back and forth on the pillow, denying his words.

“Yes, Jane. I’ve quit running from it, and you will, too.” His mouth dropped to her, driving his point home by driving her passion higher, making her become so lost the only way she could find herself again was to cling to him as their bodies moved together. Her whimpers of release had him fucking her faster as his own climax tore through his cock.

Jane turned her head, taking her mouth away. “You done?”

Cade raised his head, staring at the woman who refused to look at him. “Yeah...”

“Then get off.” She pushed at his shoulders.

As soon as he moved, she slid out of the bed and picked her clothes up off the floor before going to the bathroom. She came out a few minutes later, dressed again.

“Where are you going?”

“Back outside.” She combed her fingers through her hair, smoothing it out.

“I thought…?”

“What did you think? That I’d lie here and let you fuck me all night like you did the other bitches in the club? No, thank you. I need to go get the girls their beers.” Jane went out the door, slamming it shut behind her, ignoring the words he said in warning.