“No, he doesn’t. Let’s go, Sex Piston.” Jane tried to pull her friend away.

Sex Piston jerked her arm away from Jane, and then Cade heard Demie’s running footsteps behind his back.

“Didn’t take you long to start sniffing after the club whores,” Sex Piston snapped.

“Maybe, if Fat Louise answered her phone, I wouldn’t have.”

While Jane flinched when he called her by her nickname, Cade thought for a second that Sex Piston was going to hit him. Surprisingly, Jane moved to stand in front of Sex Piston, blocking her.

“Stop it,” she told her furious friend before turning to Cade. “I left my phone in your room this morning. When you find it, give it to Stud for me.”

“Jane…” Cade’s anger evaporated, and he reached out to touch her.

“Let me save you the trouble, Cade. We fucked, and now you want something new. No hard feelings.” She turned to a seething Sex Piston. “I’m ready to go home.”

Cade watched the group of women leave the club. Demie came sidling back as soon as they left. As her hands curled around his waist, Cade tried to convince himself it was better he hadn’t become more involved with Jane. After a good night’s sleep, he would take off on his bike and leave Jamestown and Jane behind him.

Chapter 20

Cade walked into the clubroom to make himself a cup of coffee. Usually deserted at this time of morning, the room was filled with the brothers eating from take-out bags Stud was placing on the bar counter.

Cade nabbed himself a cup of coffee as he took a seat on one of the stools next to Stud. “What has everyone up so early?” he asked, taking the lid off the coffee that had nearly burned the skin off his tongue.

“My brother Calder gets out of prison today,” Stud answered, reaching for his own coffee then taking a seat next to him. “It’s been awhile since we’ve seen him. He did three months in rehab then had to do some time in prison for breaking his parole. The brothers and I are going to be his welcoming committee.”

“That and make sure he doesn’t get himself back in prison before the day’s out,” Rock said as he took one of the take-out bags and then left the two men alone after the hard stare Stud gave him.

“You look like shit.”

Cade shrugged. “Late night.”

“I saw the empty bottle of Tequila when you went to your room with Gina. Between you and the bitches, I can’t keep enough Tequila in stock.” Stud studied him out of the corner of his eye.

Cade changed the subject, not wanting to give him any information he could give his wife. He had never been one to confide and didn’t see the need to now, especially when he would come out looking like a dumbass to the woman he wasn’t getting over as easily as he had thought he would.

“Mind if I tag along?”

Stud stood up, slapping him on his back so hard he nearly knocked him off the stool.

“Not at all. I was going to ask if you wanted to ride. Let’s hit the road!”

The men left the bar with Cade hoping his piece of shit bike made it. He was going to have to do something about it soon because it was becoming more trouble to hang on to than his bike was worth. It had too many miles and repairs needed to make it through another ride across the country.

Cade climbed onto the old Victory and started the reluctant motor.

“Try to keep up,” Rock jibed as they rode out.

Cade’s hands tightened on his handlebars, wanting to reach his booted foot out to kick Rock’s bike. However, he knew the insult would start a fight, and he didn’t want to hold Stud up from being there when his brother was released.

It took over an hour for them to ride to the prison where the bikers parked by the gate.

Cade had done a year himself when he was younger and knew the feelings the man exiting was experiencing.

The two brothers resembled each other in their facial features, but that was where the similarities ended. The hardened features and glacial eyes didn’t mirror Stud’s more laid back attitude, and Calder’s hair was lighter. Stud always kept his face shaved, while Calder had a beard. Stud was taller, but Calder was heavier. He had used his time inside to work out. Cade knew it was to pass the time and keep himself from being a bitch to the other prisoners. It was a dog eat dog world inside prison—a place where the strong survived, and the weak were fucked.

Cade stood as the brothers greeted their friend.

Stud stepped away from his brother after giving him a bear hug that lifted him off his feet.

“Motherfucker, it’s good to see you again,” Calder spoke as he looked at the brothers surrounding him.