Bear took off his own T-shirt before moving to stand in front of Cade. “Try that move with me, fucker, and you’re going to be looking in the dirt for your teeth.”

Cade laughed at Bear’s threat, watching the man intently and waiting for his first move, which was to swing a punch at Cade. When Cade moved, it was into Bear’s other fist.

Jane had to look away as Bear landed a few other hard punches before Cade managed to strike him back. When Bear took a step forward to land a hit, Cade’s foot swept out, knocking Bear off his feet. Bear started to get up, but Cade circled behind him to place him in a chokehold. It wasn’t long before Bear fell forward, unconscious, and then the brothers lifted him out of the way as another fight began.

The other recruits all lost their fights, so Cade was going to be the only new recruit.

The losing men left while the brothers all congratulated Cade, slapping him on his back.

Jane turned away from the sight. She hadn’t wanted him to win. Now she was going to have to see him every time she came to the club. How had he even ended up in Jamestown? Had he followed Bailey, not realizing she was only there temporarily?

Jane went back inside with her friends, where they managed to find a table this time.

“I can see why you like him,” T.A. enthused. “He’s hot.”

“I don’t like him. I was temporarily in lust with him. I’m over it,” Jane lied.

When Sex Piston brought them all drinks, Jane only sipped hers, staring around the club. Pike was hitting the whiskey pretty hard and so was Dozer.

She wasn’t going to let Cade change her mind about losing her virginity tonight.

Her decision was made when Pike took the chair next to hers.

“Been drinking a lot tonight,” Jane said.

“Celebrating. I landed a new job with more money. I can finally afford that new bike I’ve been wanting.”

Jane saw Cade leaning against the bar, talking to Stud. Turning her chair slightly, she managed to put him out of her mind, keeping her attention on Pike.

Sometime later, her full bladder had her excusing herself to go to the restroom. She tried to hurry because the club was filled with horny bitches, and Pike was one of the few men who didn’t carry a spare tire around his waist. Most of Stud’s men were fit and lean, but the older men, who were original members of the Destructors, had lost their edge long ago.

She left the bathroom, coming to a halt when she saw Cade leaning against the wall.


“Hi, Cade. Everyone calls me Fat Louise here,” she told him nervously.

“Never had much ambition to be like everyone else.” Cade shrugged.

You’ve succeeded, Jane thought. He was like no other man she had met before.

“What brought you to Jamestown?”

“Bored with every place else I went and thought I would give this a try.”

“If you came to Jamestown to see Bailey again, it’s a wasted effort. She and Dad are moving to New York next week.”

“Seeing Bailey wasn’t an intention of mine.”

“Oh.” Jane didn’t know what else to say. She could chatter with anyone except Cade; he always made her tongue-tied.

“You with the brother whose dick you were practically ridin’ on the dance floor?”

Her mouth dropped open at his remark. “I’m not with anyone,” she snapped. “But don’t worry, I won’t be trying to get your attention like the rest of the bitches out there. I don’t share dick with my sister.” She threw him a dirty look, turning to leave him in the short hallway. Hopefully, he had received the blunt message that she wasn’t mooning over him.

He reached out, grabbing her arm and halting her flight. “What in the fuck are you talking about?”

Chapter 17

“Let go of my arm,” Jane snarled.

Close enough to hear Jane’s snarl, Sex Piston watched her reaction yet didn’t intercede.

Cade released her, and Jane immediately sought to escape. However, he moved to block her, maneuvering her so she was pressed against the wall by his body.

Killyama jumped to her feet, but Sex Piston snagged her hand, jerking her back down.

“Leave them alone.”

Killyama looked at Sex Piston in surprise. “I’m going to break his fucking neck,” she threatened.

“Let’s see what happens. Fat Louise is surrounded by help if she needs it. I’m sick of her moping around after that fucker.”

“You want them to get together?” Crazy Bitch asked in dismay.

“I want Jane to get what she wants.” Sex Piston stared intently at the couple arguing. It was obvious some shit was going down. If the fucker went too far, she would call a halt and have Stud throw him out of the club. If it didn’t, though, Jane might just be able to get the man she couldn’t get over.

“If he touches her again, I’m going over there.” Killyama folded her arms across her chest, watching them with a narrow-eyed stare.