“Just eat the fucking hotdog.”


Chapter 6

Jane stood at the hotel window, staring out. They had been there for two days, sharing the same room. He had slept on the small couch, while she had taken the bed. It had been miserable.

Cade had left her behind to scout the address she had found to see if Bailey could possibly be there. Jane prayed she was. If not, she hoped it would at least lead to where she was being kept. Jane wished it could be as simple for Cade to find Bailey as it had been her; however, Bailey’s phone hadn’t worked since she had entered Mexico. Jane’s own phone was now useless until she could purchase a charger, and since Cade had taken all her money, that wasn’t going to be anytime soon.

Several men walking down the street caught her attention. Something about one of them seemed familiar. Jane’s breath caught in her throat as she practically pressed her face to the glass. It was Raul! He was with three other men who were talking as they paused outside a bar. Jane was tempted to leave the hotel and run across the street to demand to see her sister, but she didn’t. Sex Piston or Killyama would, even Crazy Bitch would. T.A. would without thinking about it, yet Jane merely stared stupidly out the window, wishing Cade would come back.

Ultimately deciding to be more proactive, Jane braced herself and picked up the truck keys from the nightstand. Then she practically ran outside, afraid the men would leave before she could get inside the truck. Trying to appear inconspicuous, she slowed her pace to the truck, opened it, and climbed behind the steering wheel to wait.

Raul was the first to leave, and Jane prayed he didn’t look her way. Thankfully, he turned in the opposite direction. Jane waited until he turned the corner before starting the truck. Slowly pulling out, she drove at a snail’s pace down the road, turning the corner where she saw him get into a black SUV. Jane pulled over and parked the truck.

The SUV pulled out, and Jane waited until it was almost out of sight before pulling out again. She bit her lip as she followed, already regretting the decision to follow Raul. Cade would be furious with her.

She turned at a bend in the road and gave a frightened squeak when she saw the roadblock. She wanted to turn around, but there was another dark SUV coming up behind her, pinning her between the two vehicles.

Jane watched helplessly as Raul remained in his vehicle and talked to the soldiers. One broke away and walked toward the truck she was sitting inside.

“Get out.”

Jane shakily stepped out of the truck, trying to keep her back toward Raul’s SUV. She didn’t have to be told she had made a terrible mistake leaving the hotel.

“Give me your cash.” The soldier made no pretense of collecting a toll.

“I ... I don’t have any.”

She went flying backwards against the truck when a hand suddenly hit her across the face. Jane barely managed to put her hands up to protect herself before another strike landed on her.

“Please, I don’t have any money. If I did, I would give it to you,” Jane pleaded as a harsh hand grabbed her by the hair and pulled her toward him.

“Then I guess you will be paying in something other than cash.” His hand went to her T-shirt, and Jane felt the material rip at his sharp movement.

“Diego, stop.” Raul came to stand next to her.

When the men in the SUV behind them also got out and came forward, Jane knew she was in more trouble than she could handle.

“Let her go. That is my sister-in-law you plan on raping.” Jane’s frightened eyes met Raul’s cruel ones. “What are you doing here, Jane?”

“I thought I would come for a visit,” Jane said mockingly.

“Bailey didn’t tell me you were coming.”

“I wanted it to be a surprise. Surprise!” Jane said lamely.

Raul didn’t try to hide his distaste for her antics. “You can ride the rest of the way with my men. Diego, get rid of the truck.”

“Wait, I’ll need that when I leave.”

“No, you won’t. You won’t be leaving.” Raul turned, leaving her to his men.

After one of the men took her arm, leading her to the SUV and practically throwing her inside, Jane straightened on the seat. She had been constantly manhandled since she had entered Mexico. The women in the States would drag these Neanderthals to court if they were handled the way she had been.

One of the other soldiers moved the truck she had been driving, letting them pass.

Cade was going to kill her when he found her. Jorge was going to be pissed his truck wouldn’t be returned. This whole debacle was a huge failure.