Jane jerked it away with a heated glare.

Sex Piston leaned casually against the counter. “Stop by the shop tomorrow, and I’ll do your hair for free.”

“That include highlights?” Allison asked.


Alison disconnected the call. “Okay, but he’s still going to pay for all the damages.” She nodded towards Cade.

Cade pulled out his wallet as he walked to the counter. “I’ll pay for Jane’s things, too.”

“Jane?” Allison looked up from the register.

“He means me.” Jane’s voice wobbled. She needed to leave and go next door to the restaurant. She clutched at the counter, feeling lightheaded.

Cade opened his wallet, removing a tiny gel tube of glucose and handing it to her while he asked Allison to replace the bib he had wiped blood on.

Jane took the tube, surprised he carried it on him. Her friends all carried something on them. After all the years they had spent together, they were well aware of Jane’s haphazard way of dealing with her hypoglycemia.

Allison ran the card then bagged Jane’s purchases, handing her the bag.

“Thanks, Allison. I’m sorry for the mess.” Jane didn’t think Allison would reply, but a hard glare from Cade had her forcing an insincere smile.

Jane left the store and went into the restaurant next door, sliding into a large booth. Cade sat down next to her, and Jane set the bags down between them, creating a wedge.

Jane began to feel better from taking the gel when her friends and Stud piled into the booth. She studied the menu, avoiding Cade’s eyes. When a tear fell onto the menu, she used her thumb to surreptitiously wipe it away.

By the time the waiter brought them glasses of water, the table was unnaturally quiet.

“Can I take your order?”

Jane glanced up when it was her turn to order. “I’m not hungry. Just bring me a glass of orange juice.”

“Bitch, you need to—” Sex Piston began, only to be cut off by Cade.

“Bring us both the lunch special.” Cade took her menu and his, handing them to the waiter.

“Don’t let Rock upset you. He’s pissed off because he heard you moved in with Cade,” Stud explained.

“It wasn’t cool of him to throw up Demie,” T.A. snapped, and the women at the table nodded their agreement.

“If Cade hadn’t done it, he wouldn’t have been able to throw it up to my girl,” Sex Piston snapped, glaring at Cade then at Jane. “Men are dumbfucks; they always cheat.”

Stud’s gaze darkened, and Jane saw the anger brewing between the couple.

“Stud didn’t.” Jane’s statement had Cade’s hand tightening on his glass of water.

“Only because he knew I would neuter him if he did.”

“I didn’t technically cheat. I wasn’t in love with you then. Besides, you walked away from me, telling me it was only a one night stand.” Cade quit trying to defend himself when the five women’s expressions showed they clearly didn’t agree with him.

“Even the score.” Killyama leaned back in her seat so the waiter could set their platters of food down in front of them.

“How?” Jane asked, taking a bite of her rice.

“Find someone to fuck. Pay the bastard back,” Killyama suggested.

“Who is she gonna fuck?” Crazy Bitch asked.

“She could fuck Rock,” T.A. piped in.

Jane shook her head. “I don’t want to hurt him.”

As Cade’s fork dropped to his plate, Jane had to hide her smile. He believed she was actually considering fucking another man as payback.

“She could fuck Rabbit,” T.A. offered another sacrificial lamb.

“Hell no. The point is to make Cade jealous, not laugh his head off.” Sex Piston shot that candidate down, but not without offering another victim. “How about Pike? Stud could order him to do it.”

Stud shot his wife an incredulous look. “No, I can’t.”

“Not Pike; he’s terrible at fucking,” T.A. spoke without looking up from her plate.

“How do you know?” Crazy Bitch asked with a snicker. “You do him?”

“Once, and it wasn’t any good. Bastard got off and left me hanging.”

“Sounds like Train,” Killyama muttered.

“That’s it!” Crazy Bitch’s hand slammed down on the table. “She can fuck one of The Last Riders.”

“Not unless she wants to start a war.”

While Cade was getting angrier by the second, Jane couldn’t keep herself from provoking him further.

“Which one? Lucky?” Jane had always thought Lucky was the handsomest of The Last Riders.

“No!” Killyama looked like her refried beans were sour. “He’s into that freaky-deaky shit. Rider would do you.”

“She’d have to catch him first.”

Stud winced when Sex Piston’s pointed boot kicked him under the table.

“I like Rider,” Jane pretended to consider the option. “He saved my life.”

“No, he didn’t. I did,” Cade interrupted.

“You’re also the one who cheated on me!” Jane yelled, letting her anger go. “You cheated on me the night I lost our baby!” She reached onto her plate before turning to Sex Piston. “Hold my Chimichanga.” Jane picked her plate of food up and threw it at him.