“Wait! Killyama, go to Mom’s house. The cops are out front.” Jane felt the beginning of panic as Killyama quickly took a sharp left.

Jane jumped out of the car, running toward her mother. The police were walking her out in handcuffs. She was kicking out at the officers as they tried to push her toward the patrol car.

“Step back.” Another officer by the police car blocked her from getting closer to her mother.

“That’s my mother. What happened?”

“She sold crack to an undercover police officer.”

Her mother was still resisting the officers, screaming profanities. Her brown hair looked like it hadn’t been brushed since the last time Jane had seen her, which had been last week, and she was wearing a small pair of shorts that looked like they belonged to a teenager. In fact, Jane thought they were a pair of shorts she had worn in middle school. She also had on a T-shirt with no bra. It wasn’t a pretty sight.

“She’s been selling drugs to the kids in the neighborhood for a while now. We were finally able to catch her an hour ago.”

Jane took a step away from her mother, coming up against Cade, whose arm went around her waist in support. She had forgotten he had been following them.

“Don’t just stand there, call a lawyer. That stuck-up sister of Sex Piston’s is a lawyer, isn’t she? Call her. Tell her these sons of bitches are violating my civil liberties. I was in my own home watching TV.” Jane easily recognized the signs of her mother being high. “Get busy, you good for nothing slut. You better get me out of jail in an hour, or I’m going to smack the shit out of you.”

Jane merely stood there as the police finally managed to shove her mother into the police car where she began using her feet to kick at the window. She stared coldly at her mother, realizing the woman was never going to change. Each time Jane went to visit her and gave her money, her mother would promise to be different.

Jane had paid for three trips to different rehabilitation centers, each making the promise to help her mother. However, they had all failed, just like her own daughter had failed because, ultimately, the woman didn’t want to be helped.

“I’ll call Sex Piston.” Killyama pulled out her cell phone.

“Don’t bother. Let’s get to the party. We’re already late.” Jane didn’t watch the patrol cars as they drove away.

“You sure?”

“I’m sure.” Jane got back in the car. Killyama and Crazy Bitch both gave her curious looks as they also climbed back in, as well.

The ride to the clubhouse was short, and the parking lot was filled with bikes by the time they arrived. Cade came up to her as soon as she got out of the car.

“I could call a lawyer. I know he could—”

“Leave it alone, Cade. Maybe jail time can do what I couldn’t, but. I’m not going to think about that tonight. It’s three weeks until Christmas, and I want to have some fun. Can you help me with that?”

“Darlin’, I can give you all the fun you can handle.”

Chapter 25

Cade grinned as he watched the four women dancing, commanding everyone’s attention.

“They’re something else, aren’t they?” A man Cade hadn’t seen before stood next to him, drinking a beer. “I’m Skulls, former President of the Destructors.” When the man reached out his hand, Cade shook it.

“You’re Sex Piston’s father?”

“Guilty.” Her father laughed. “She been busting your balls?”

“A couple of times,” Cade admitted.

“Only a couple? Hell, she must like you.” The old man hit him on his back, knocking him forward against the bar.

“Which one’s your old lady?”

“How do you know one of them is mine?”

The man gave a sudden burst of laughter. “From the way you’re glaring at all the brothers thinking of approaching them. Stud’s on the other side of the bar doing the same fucking thing.”



“Fat Louise,” Cade said through gritted teeth. He was fast learning where Sex Piston had inherited her abrasive personality from.

“Aw, you’re a lucky man. She’s a sweet girl. Sometimes.” He took a swig of his beer. “You met that cat of hers yet?”

“Yes, I have,” Cade said grimly.

“I need some extra money for Christmas; want me to get rid of it for you?”

Was the man offering to kill Jane’s cat for him? Cade took a drink of his own beer, tempted by the thought. “No, thanks. I kinda like it,” he lied.

“You fucking liar. No one likes that crazy motherfucker. But I can respect a man who will lie to protect his woman’s feelings. Been doing that my whole married life. If my wife invites you over to dinner, run. She can’t cook for shit.” He leaned heavily against the bar. Sex Piston’s father was drunk off his ass. “Didn’t catch your name?”