“Glad you’re finally out, brother. Let’s go home. Dozer rode your bike down for you.” Stud tossed him the keys as they walked back to the bikes.

“Does that mean I have to ride with the fucker at my back to the clubhouse?”

Cade looked at the pained expression on Dozer’s face.

“Hell no. Had the bitches drop off a car for him to drive back to town.” Stud laughed.

Calder sat on his bike then caught Cade staring at him.

“I see we have some new brothers.” Calder nodded his head at Cade while he talked to Stud as if Cade wasn’t sitting only a few inches away.

“That’s Cade. He’s not brother yet, but he saved one of the bitches. Trying to make him feel at home while he decides if he wants to join or not.”

“He ride with you today?”

“Yeah,” Stud answered.

“He fucking the bitches, drinking our liquor?”

“Yeah,” Stud repeated the same answer.

“He defend the club’s honor?”

“He kicked a local’s ass for calling Bear a fart blossom, so yeah, he’s defended the club’s honor.”

“Sound’s like he’s made his mind up already.” Calder started his bike. “I need a fucking beer and to get laid.”

“I’ll get you the beer; you’ll have to find the other one yourself,” Stud joked.

“Gina still hanging around the club?”

“Yeah, brother, she’s still there.”

“Problem solved.”

“She might be a little tired. I left her sleeping in my bed,” Cade told him, wondering if he had fucked the man’s woman.

Calder gave him a shit-eating grin. “Then I’ll wake her up with a present. Santa’s coming early for her.”

“You sure one bitch is going to be enough?” Stud quipped.

“For now. I want to see my nieces and nephew before I get started with the whores and liquor.”

Cade caught an inexplicable expression cross Stud’s face at Calder’s words.

“We’ll stop by Sex Piston’s parents’ house first. She’s there with the kids.”

“Shit, Sizzle know I’m coming?”

“I told her yesterday.”

“Fuck, she probably made me a cake.”

Cade couldn’t understand why the man looked so upset about someone making a cake for him, but he didn’t have time to question any of the brothers as they drove away from the prison.

He thought the brothers would pull away and head back to the clubhouse when Calder and Stud turned down a side street. When they pulled in front of a house, he remained sitting with the other brothers while Stud and Calder went inside.

Cade’s head turned when he saw movement on the side of the house. Jane was playing with a little girl who was running around the yard. She ran up behind the squealing little girl who laughed when Jane tossed her into the air then deftly caught her. Placing the small girl on her hip, she sat down on a swing with the child on her lap. Jane was talking softly to the little girl while running her hands through her hair. When the little girl tried to wiggle free, Jane reached into her pocket and pulled out a candy bar. Breaking it in two pieces, she gave one to the child. They sat quietly, eating their treat.

“Don’t go there, brother.” Cade turned his head at Bear’s comment.

“What the fuck does that mean?”

“It means you were smart enough to walk away once. Dozer almost fell for her, but he put the emergency brake on.”

“Dozer and Jane were together?” Cade asked sharply.

“No, he wanted a fuck; she wanted something more. Dozer didn’t want any woman to have him by the balls, though. She’s the type that gets under your skin and doesn’t let go. Hell, there’s not a brother here who hasn’t imagined their dick in her mouth, until she talks and ruins it. When I want a piece of tail, I don’t want to fuck Marsha Brady.”

Cade barely held his fury in check at the way Bear was talking about Jane.

“A man would have to hide her face to be able to walk away from that sweet piece. The brothers and I all like variety. Besides, Sex Piston would castrate any brother who did her girl wrong.” Bear stared at Jane with a wistful expression. “There’s two types of women men like us need to stay away from.”

“What are they?” Cade asked, becoming amused by Bear’s forlorn expression.

“One is a woman who makes you think of home and kids. The second is the kind who twists your nuts into a knot.”

“Which type is Jane?”

“Brother, she’s both.”

* * *

“Can I have a Miller Lite?” Cade heard Jane ask Stud, who was standing behind the bar for the beer.

“Sorry, Fat Louise, I just gave Bear the last one.”

Cade was standing at the bar with Calder, Dozer, Bear, and Gina. Demie was sitting on a stool next to them. When Stud told her he didn’t have the beer, she gave a pretty pout that had Cade’s cock twitching in his jeans.

She was dressed in a cream sweater that was loose and fell off her smooth shoulder and dark leggings that were covered by a tiny black skirt. She looked sexy as fuck.