Pointing his rifle, he fired.

Chapter 11

“Stop!” The sharp order came from the man coming to a halt in a Jeep.

“Raul!” Bailey screamed as she stepped over the body of the man Cade had just killed.

Jane jumped for the small child, picking him up from the ground.

“Drop your weapon!” Raul ordered Cade.

Left with no choice, he dropped his rifle onto the ground as Jane handed the crying toddler to his father who had come running from their house.

“Raul!” As Bailey attempted to throw herself into his arms, the back of his hand sent her flying backward. Shocked, she held her hand to her face.

“You stupid whore.” Raul took a step toward his wife, who backed away fearfully.

“Don’t you dare!” Jane started to move toward her sister yet was held back by one of the soldiers.

Raul’s cold eyes glared at her. “You’re just as useless as your sister,” he snarled. “If not for your father’s money, I would never have touched her.”

“Raul…” Bailey pleaded.

“Shut up with your whining. I’ve heard enough over the last few weeks.” Raul turned from her and strode toward Cade, ordering, “Tie them up and put them in the cars”

As one of the soldiers struck Cade with the butt of his rifle, Jane winced, crying out. The soldier didn’t hesitate as he threw her to the ground. One tried to take her backpack, and Jane attempted to jerk it away. She kept his attention focused on trying to tug the backpack away while she reached behind her back for the knife she had slipped into her jeans. Jerking hard on the strap, the soldier was slightly off balance, and Jane used his forward momentum to stab him, stepping to the side, before she tossed his gun to Cade.

Mayhem erupted.

“Run, Bailey!” Jane took off running toward an outcropping of rocks that weren’t too far away. Bailey took one look at Raul’s face and started fleeing.

“Don’t shoot!” Raul’s order shocked Jane, but she figured that, as hostages, they would be useless dead. Her father would demand proof of life before he would pay any ransom. Jane heard gunfire behind her yet didn’t turn back to see how Cade was doing.

They managed to make it to the rock where they dropped down behind one to catch their breath.

“I hate you! This is all your fault!”

“Will … you … please … be quiet before they find us?” Jane said.

“I had a happy marriage before you showed up! You can fucking die for all I care.” Bailey lowered her head to the rock and cried.

Jane belatedly realized her mistake. She should never have tried to save her ungrateful sister. She was with the sick son of a bitch she wanted. They deserved each other.

Jane crawled into the confined space. Peering over the rocks, she saw the soldiers looking for them; however, Cade was nowhere to be seen.

Jane heard a sound to her left, tensing, and then gave a sigh of relief.

“Cade.” He had blood dripping from a cut above his eye. “Are you all right?” she asked, afraid the soldiers would see her movements.

“No,” he replied, grimacing as he hunkered down. His face was becoming a bloody mess.

“I’m sorry,” Jane apologized.

“It’s not your fault they found us,” Cade reassured her. “You managed to save our asses.”

“What are they going to do?”

“Search for us until they find us again,” he answered truthfully, which Jane respected.

Bailey began wailing.

“Jesus, don’t you ever shut up?” he snapped. “They’ll kill me right away, but they’re going to try to blackmail your father for money, so it will be awhile before they kill you two. Maybe he can secure your release. I don’t know. It depends on if he can get the money to them.”

“Maybe he won’t have to,” Jane uttered, scooting her body closer to his.

“What do you mean?” Cade asked her.

“We can walk out of Mexico. It’s done all the time.”

“I’m not walking.” Bailey stuck her feet out, showing her shoes. The flat sandals would be no barrier to rocks and dirt.

Jane pulled off her tennis shoes, placing them next to Bailey. “Give me your sandals. I’ll wear them.” Bailey took off the sandals, putting on Jane’s tennis shoes. Cade had hoped they wouldn’t fit, but they did. Used to giving up her things to her spoiled sister, Jane had known they would.

“What now?” Bailey asked, tying the shoes.

“We’ll wait and give the guards time to give up and search another area. Thank fuck it’s so hot they won’t search long.”

“Come on.” Cade told them as soon as the last of the Raul’s men drove away and it became dark.

Jane and Bailey stood, beginning the long trek toward the border. Following Cade, they moved silently through the inky darkness. While they ran from the town through a wooded area, all Jane could hear was Bailey’s complaining.

It didn’t take long before Bailey bent over, crying out from a pain in her side.