“So, we have two separate gangs trying to kill us?” Bailey squealed.


Jane had to bite back her smile, because it was obvious Cade had reached his limit with her and Bailey, and Bailey looked like she was about to cry over her lousy excuse of a husband. Jane was the only one taking everything in stride. Of course, she was the one causing them all the problems.

“What’s so fucking funny?” Cade snarled.

“Life is looking pretty damn good right now.”

While the cab filled with a strained silence, Jane leaned her head against the window and closed her eyes. She hadn’t had very much sleep since she had left the States, and it was catching up with her. Her bones ached she was so tired, and she almost fell from her seat when Cade came to a sudden stop.

“What’s wrong?” Jane tried to blink the sleep from her eyes.

“Nothing. We’re here.” Cade turned off the truck then stared at the house a few feet away.

“Then why aren’t we getting out?” she asked, confused.

“I’m waiting for a signal,” Cade answered, continuing to make no move to get out.

Jane looked at the house and saw a light suddenly come on in the front window.

“Everything’s okay.” Cade opened his truck door, stepping out.

Jane fumbled with the door handle, almost falling out, but Cade managed to catch her before she hit the ground.

“I didn’t realize it was so high up,” Jane mumbled, taking a step out of his arms.

Cade helped Bailey out before taking each of their arms to lead them to the house.

“Afraid your payday will get damaged?” Jane smarted off, instantly regretting it when his hand on her arm dropped away.

“I thought you may need some help.” Cade’s quiet voice had Jane feeling ashamed of herself, especially when he paused and reached back inside the truck to pull her backpack out from behind the seat, handing it to her. She didn’t know what it was about him that had her always snapping at him. Jane noticed he still maintained his grip on Bailey, who leaned farther into his side for support.

Cade knocked briefly on the door, and when no one answered, he opened the unlocked door then ushered them inside.

A tall, dark-haired man came in from what Jane assumed was the kitchen.

“Well, Cade, what trouble have you managed to get yourself into this time?”

* * *

Killyama parked her car in the parking lot of The Last Riders’ clubhouse where several of the bikers were standing around talking. She glanced down at her watch. The factory where they put together and ship out survivalist gear would have closed for the night.

Pasting her usual scowl on her face, she climbed out of her old, puke green car, and the men stopped talking to stare in apprehension at her approach.

Razer, Viper, Cash, Shade, and Train all had the same look of horror on their faces. She wasn’t put off by their attitudes, though. Hell, she relished it. She had cultivated it during the time she had known them.

“I need your help.” Killyama didn’t believe in beating around the bush.

“Why should we help you?” Train’s smart-ass remark didn’t surprise her. His wounded male pride was still stinging from her disappointment of his lackluster sexual performance. The dumb fuck couldn’t believe she wasn’t swooning to have another go-round on his dick.

“Because, if you don’t, I’ll ask Beth, Winter, and Lily for help.” She watched their husbands’ reactions to her threat.

“What do you want?” Viper snapped.

These men are pussy whipped and don’t even know it, she thought caustically.

“Fat Louise has put herself in a fucked-up mess, and I need you to help me get her out.”

“What kind of trouble?” Train asked suspiciously.

“She sneaked into Mexico to get her half-sister out.”

The men stared at her blankly, completely surprised by her answer.

“Fat Louise? She doesn’t even take a piss without one of you by her side,” Razer commented. “Besides, why did she have to sneak? The federales want her?” he joked.

“You think this is funny?” she snapped, taking a step toward him.

“No.” Razer didn’t step back, but Killyama could tell he wanted to. She was satisfied with that little victory.

“Her dad is a government employee, doing some kind of secret shit for them. Employees and their family aren’t allowed to travel in certain areas. He alerted Border Patrol, trying to stop her before she went inside, but he was too late.”

“What in the fuck are we supposed to do?” Shade asked.

“You have connections. I need them to get me inside so I can find her.”

“You’re not going after her,” Train stated angrily.

“Since when do you think you can tell me what I can do?” Killyama glared at him.

Train didn’t back down. “Since you came up with a crazy-assed plan to try to enter a country that has made a career out of kidnapping and killing people,” he snapped.