“I didn’t know anyone still used those things.”

Benedict blushed, hastily putting the handkerchief back in his pocket before going to another pocket to pull out two photographs, laying them on the table between them.

“The one on the right is my youngest daughter, Bailey, the other is Jane. Jane’s blond in the picture but she dyed her brown hair a few days before she disappeared. I should have realized then what she had planned.”

“They aren’t going to want to give Bailey up easily,” Cade remarked.

“She married a young man from Mexico while she was in college her freshman year.” Benedict gave a twisted smile. “I begged her to wait, but she wouldn’t listen. They went to Puebla to visit some of her husband’s relatives. That was when Marcus lured her into going into Peñuela.” Benedict shook his head at his daughter’s innocence.

He had begged her not to go there, telling her about the travel warnings in place, but again, she had refused to listen, placing all her faith in her new husband.

“When we didn’t hear from Bailey, we became worried.” He swallowed hard. “It took some investigating before we found out Marcus’s family is heavily involved with a drug cartel and wouldn’t allow her to leave. My wife and I were searching for a way to get her back when my other daughter, Jane, went in after her. She’s now also disappeared.”

Both men stared down at the picture of Jane, who was the opposite of Bailey. Bailey was tall and blond with rounded feminine curves, which were fully displayed in the little black dress she was wearing. Her golden skin showed she either spent hours lazing in the sun or in a tanning bed. From the spoiled tilt of her sensuous lips, Cade was willing to bet it was the former. She was smiling in the picture, basking in the attention of whoever was holding the camera. Cade would bet his last large paycheck that the glamorous blond acted like an entitled bitch.

Cade shifted his attention back to the next picture. Jane was thin, and everything about her screamed nondescript. She faded into the background of the ugly couch she was curled up on. There was nothing that would make her stand out; therefore, she wouldn’t pose any of the problems her more attractive sister would in getting her out. There were only two things that made him take a second look—the silvery tint to her eyes and plump lips that had his dick taking notice. After fucking Martina, he wouldn’t have thought it was possible to be turned on by a pair of lips.

“That one will be easier to get out.” Cade tapped the photograph of Jane.

Benedict stiffened at the unintentional insult yet kept his mouth closed.

“The last time I went in, I retrieved a young man who had gone down to find himself; instead, his ass was kidnapped. He was a rich kid who felt guilty being born into a wealthy family and thought he would make the world a better place for those less fortunate. He was lucky to get out alive. I made several enemies getting him out. I don’t suppose Bailey’s husband would be willing to come back? It would make it much easier with his help.”

Benedict shook his head. “He threatened to kill Bailey if she tried to leave him.”

Cade’s finger tapped Jane’s picture. “Why did she go in? She had to have known how dangerous it would be. Did she want to find a man for herself? She wouldn’t be the first woman to romanticize…”

Benedict sadly shook his head. “That’s not the case with Jane. My wife egged her on, telling her she should do more to help.” His hands tightened on the now empty beer bottle. “She was trying to get Bailey back.”

Cade’s mouth curled. “Let me guess; she’s not her daughter.”

“No. I had Jane during my first marriage. Her mother raised her, and I was allowed to spend too little time with her. The aftermath of that was I unfortunately aided my wife in spoiling Bailey to make up for my absence in Jane’s life because I was allowed to spend so little time with Jane. However, I recently retired from my business, so I moved closer to Jane with Bailey gone. I stepped down in my role with the government to an advisory capacity to be near her.”

Cade laughed, throwing his head back. “Jesus. No matter how screwed up the relationship is, she should have been smarter than to think she could actually succeed in getting her sister out.”

“I should have known she would try something. She loves Bailey.” Benedict blamed himself, knowing he should have anticipated Jane trying to accomplish what no one else could.

“How long have they been in Mexico?”

“Bailey, two months, and Jane, a week.”

“How did Jane hope to find her?”