Chapter 5

“Going somewhere?”

Jane dropped the shirt she was stuffing into her backpack.

Cade was standing in the bedroom doorway, putting on his T-shirt. Jane turned bright red. Teresa must have brought him upstairs using the back steps and had left him in her bed when she returned downstairs.

“I’m leaving, heading back to the States. I was visiting Carina, but now my vacation’s over.” Jane picked the shirt back up, shoving it inside the backpack then zipping it closed. She didn’t look at him as she sat down to pull on the tennis shoes Carina had given her.

Ignoring Cade, she set an envelope down on the kitchen counter with her goodbye note and some money to cover the cost of the clothes she had been given.

“Where are you really going, Jane? Your family will be happy to hear you’re heading home, but I don’t believe that’s where you’re going, is it?”

She stopped mid-stride, turning to face him. She started to reply yet was cut off.

“Don’t lie. You’re a lousy liar. I’m not in the mood to listen to you make up another one.”

“You should be in a good mood after just getting laid,” Jane snapped.

Cade grinned at her. “It cost me a hundred bucks, and I’m going to get my money back from your father for a business expense.”

Jane’s eyes widened when he mentioned her father as if he knew him.

“My father?”

Cade nodded his head, coming farther into the room. “He hired me to find you and your sister. He wants you both back in the States.”

Jane felt her eyes fill with tears. “Daddy sent you?”

“Yeah, Daddy sent me. Christ, how have you managed not to get yourself killed yet?”

Jane’s shoulders straightened. “There’s no need to be sarcastic.” Her eyes narrowed on him. “How do I know my father sent you to help?”

“You don’t. You’ll just have to trust me, won’t you?”

Jane could tell from his expression he really didn’t care if she believed him or not.

“How did you find me?”

“The cell phone you have hidden in your backpack puts out a nice, clear signal for me to follow.”

“How did you know it was in my backpack...?” Jane’s voice trailed off as she guessed he had been snooping after Teresa left.

“Let’s go. I want to get out of here.”

Jane nodded, sliding the strap of her backpack onto her shoulder.

“We’re going to Peñuela?”

“I’m going to Peñuela. I’m dropping you off at an airstrip. A buddy of mine will fly you back to an airport where your father can pick you up.”

Jane shook her head. “I’m going with you to find Bailey.”

“Nope.” Cade took her arm, leading her to the door.

She jerked away. “I’m not going home without her.”

“You don’t have a fucking choice. I’m not taking you to Peñuela. It’ll be easier for me to get Bailey out without having to try to keep up with you. Use your common sense!”

Jane hated to admit he was right. “How do I know I can trust you to save my sister?”

“Again, you don’t.” He shrugged. “But there’s no other choice. You’re lucky I was here last night, or Luis would have taken you to Javier. Believe me, you don’t want to meet Javier.”

“I don’t?”

“No, you don’t. Now, can we fucking go?”

“Yes,” Jane gave in, wanting to go home. If her father had hired Cade, he would find her sister and get her out safer than she could. Jane knew her limitations, and she had definitely passed those last night.

Cade followed her down the steps, motioning for her to go towards the small parking lot where there were several vehicles. Jane tried to guess which one was his yet lost when he opened the door to an old, grey Chevy. Jane climbed inside, wincing when he slammed the door shut.

Cade sat down behind the wheel after shutting his own door. He drove out of the lot, heading away from the bar.

“I thought yours was the SUV.” Cade threw her a surprised look, as though he couldn’t understand what she was talking about. Jane blushed slightly. “I tried to guess which vehicle was yours. I guessed wrong.”

“This isn’t my truck. I bought it from Jorge. I wouldn’t drive an expensive SUV like that.”

“Why not?” she asked curiously.

“Because it would get stolen at the first roadblock. This piece of shit, no one will want. I had to give Jorge a thousand for it.”

“Another business expense?”

“That’s right.”

“This is going to cost my father a lot of money, isn’t it?”

“He can afford it,” he said without sympathy.

“Yes, he can, but sleeping with Teresa doesn’t count as a business expense,” Jane snapped back, becoming tired of his unfriendly attitude. People were usually nice to her. Actually, the only people who didn’t like her were her stepmother, her sister, Teresa, and The Last Riders. But everyone else liked her. She was a nice person and went out of her way to make people freaking like her. She shouldn’t take it personally. Maybe he was an asshole who didn’t like anyone.