“Fat Louise? You’re still calling each other childish nicknames?”

“Delphi,” Benedict warned, trying to put an end to the heightened tension that had begun when his wife entered the room.

“You don’t mind them being so rude?”

Benedict shrugged. He had learned to deal with it long ago.

“You pretentious—” Sex Piston began, but Benedict decided to end the confrontation before it really began. If they decided to attack Delphi, he wouldn’t be able to pull them off her by himself.

“Perhaps you should go ahead and leave for your hair appointment,” he suggested.

“Very well.” His wife curled her lip, turning to leave the room, but was brought up short by Killyama blocking the doorway.

“I know you’re the reason Fat Louise took off after that stuck-up daughter of yours. She told me you were pulling a guilt trip on her, and I told her she should shove a fucking foot up your ass. If something happens to her, you’re not going to miss that daughter of yours, because I’m going to send you there in a fucking casket.”

Delphi’s hand went to her throat in shock at the warning. “Are you going to let this … this … trash talk to me that way?”

“Actually, it’s what I’ve been thinking myself,” Benedict said without sympathy.

Delphi brushed by Killyama, leaving the room, although not without a fearful glance back at the women.

After they heard the slamming of the front door, Benedict returned his attention to Jane’s friends. “Go home. I’ll contact you as soon as I hear something from Cade.”

Most of the group stood then walked out of the room with worried expressions. However, Killyama stayed where she was, giving him a glacial stare that nearly curled his balls in fear.

“You let Fat Louise’s mom and that bitch of a wife treat her like shit. If anything happens to her, that bitch won’t be the only one I come after.”

“You’re not going to wait to hear from me, are you?”

“What do you fucking think?”

Benedict was left staring at the empty doorway. He almost felt sorry for Mexico if that woman was headed their way.

Chapter 4

“Wake up!” The command was followed by a brutal punch to her ribs, startling Jane awake. Her frightened eyes lifted to the soldier staring down furiously at her. Despite the pain in her side, she jumped to her feet. Seeing another soldier in the doorway raised her alarm even further.

Jane saw Carina and Teresa standing in their bedroom doorway with terror on their faces.

“Que haces aquí?” She couldn’t understand a word he said. Her sleep-fogged mind couldn’t translate the words fast enough.

Frowning, he repeated the sentence in English. “What are you doing here?”

Jane thought quickly. “I’m visiting my cousin.” She gave a nod towards Carina.

The two soldiers stared at her skeptically.

“I don’t see the family resemblance.” He took her face in his large hand, his grip hurting like hell, but she didn’t try to pull away.

“We’re, like, fourth cousins,” Jane lied. “I wanted to learn more about my heritage.” The soldier’s hand dropped away.

“Why have you been asking about the Silvas?”

“My mother mentioned them. I was trying to find out if we may have a familia connection.” The men talked quietly before bursting into laughter.

The one pointing a gun on her lowered it to his side. “That may be possible. The Silvas like to spread their seed.”

Jane didn’t like the way the two men were staring at her. She became aware of her thin nightgown, crossing her arms over her breasts.

“Grab your things. We will take you to meet more of your family.”

“I’ve talked to my mother. I had the name wrong. I’m related to the Villas.”

“I can see how you would be confused.” All amusement disappeared. “Get your things.”

Jane thought about getting her backpack with the gun in it yet didn’t like her chances. Instead, she swallowed hard. “I really don’t want to go with you.”

“I don’t give a fuck what you want.” The man who had woken her by punching her pushed her towards the doorway. All of them came to a stop when they saw the man standing bare-chested in the doorway.

“Don’t have anything better to do besides trying to kidnap a woman out of her bed, Luis?”

“Cade!” The bastard took a step forward, holding out his hand for Cade to shake. “Where have you been, you hijo de puta?”

“Been busy, but not as busy as you.”

Jane tried not to stare at his chest. She should be scared shitless; instead, she had to force her eyes upward, her arousal spiking.

He didn’t even glance her way, keeping his attention focused on the soldiers.

“Her? She was just going to be a plaything for Javier tonight. He gets bored easily.”

“He must be for you to take her to him. From what I remember about him, she’s hardly his taste.”

Luis turned back to stare pointedly at Jane’s breasts, which were easily visible under the sheer gown.