She hadn’t seen Cade for the rest of the night. Teresa had pouted the entire time after Jorge told her he was there and Cade didn’t answer when she knocked on his door.

Jane was so bleary-eyed she nearly tripped over the top step. If she didn’t find out new information on her sister soon, she would have to make up her mind about whether to leave. She gave herself a time limit of two days, knowing she couldn’t afford to be away too long. She had bills to pay, and her mother depended on her. Jane tried not to think about how her mother was doing without her, and then her thoughts switched to Bailey. Her sister better make this shit up to her, or Jane was going to make sure Crazy Bitch kicked her ass.

Chapter 3

Benedict looked up from his breakfast when the maid came to stand hesitantly in the doorway.

“Yes, Jana?”

“Mr. Montgomery, you have a visitor.”

“Who is it?” his wife asked sharply. “Benedict, I have told you I don’t like your business associates to show up here. That’s why you have an office.”

“I don’t think they are business associates of Mr. Montgomery’s,” Jana said.

“I see. Whoever it is, show them to the living room, Jana.” Benedict cast his wife a sharp look as he stood from the table, following behind the maid as she walked to the front door.

He went into the living room to wait, expecting one of his friends or someone with a business interest to walk through the doorway, not who did. He would rather face anyone other than the group of women staring at him with dislike.

“Where is Fat Louise?” Sex Piston didn’t wait for him to greet his daughter’s friends, whom he had unfortunately met on numerous occasions.

“I can’t tell—”

“Bullshit.” Sex Piston moved forward furiously, like a tigress protecting her cub. Benedict wished Jane’s mother was as concerned. “I want to know where she is, now.”

He sighed. “Ladies, have a seat.”

Benedict watched as Sex Piston, T.A, Killyama, and Crazy Bitch all sat down on his large couch, staring at him as if he was the one responsible for Jane’s absence.

“You are aware of Bailey’s disappearance?”

“She didn’t exactly disappear. The stupid bitch followed that dick she married into a fucking real life cartel story,” Killyama stated harshly.

Benedict couldn’t argue with her.

“We haven’t seen Fat Louise for three weeks, and her dumbass mom won’t tell us what’s going on. She was living with Crazy Bitch, but she told us her mother wasn’t feeling good and needed her to come home. When we stopped by to check on her, that bitch didn’t know nothin’. If we don’t get some answers, I’m going to report her missing,” Sex Piston threatened.

“Don’t do that!” Benedict shouted then calmed himself quickly.

“Why not?” Killyama’s eyes narrowed on him.

“Because, if you do, they might not let her back into the States. I don’t know if she entered Mexico legally or not.”

“Oh, my God.” T.A.’s mouth dropped open. “She went after that stupid bitch, didn’t she?”

“I’m afraid so. I didn’t know until it was too late,” Benedict admitted. Their accusing gazes made him feel worthless as a father. “Her mother found the note she left behind four days after she disappeared and only contacted me when she realized she was out of money. By then, it was too late to reach her. She had already entered Mexico.”

The women on the couch had been his daughter’s friends for most of her life. They sat there as if they didn’t know what to do or say next. That was a first for the women, he was sure.

Sex Piston was the first to recover. “What are you doing about it?”

“I’ve hired a man who is capable of bringing her back. If he will be successful remains to be seen. We have to remain hopeful, though.”

“Fuck hope. I’m going to get her.” Killyama stood up from the couch.

“No! We are not going to make this situation worse than it is. Cade will bring her back. He’s the best in the business, and he has managed to complete jobs no one else has.”

“Fat Louise isn’t going to survive. She isn’t strong enough. What’s she going to do without her candy? Her favorite restaurant?” T.A. said with tears in her eyes.

“Don’t say that!” Sex Piston ordered. “She is strong. Who is the one we depend on when we need shit done? She’s always there for us.”

The three other women nodded their heads.

Benedict felt bad for the women, aware of how close they were. Jane never went anywhere without one of the obnoxious women by her side.

“Benedict, why are they here?” Delphi came into the room, looking at the women with disdain. Benedict almost warned her; instead, he took a seat on his favorite chair to watch the fireworks.

“You the bitch who’s always putting Fat Louise down?” Crazy Bitch asked.