He came around that last curve, going so fast that he seemed to be riding his bike sideways. The biker ahead of him eased off for a split second to navigate that last curve. That was where he lost his advantage because instead of slowing down, Stud sped up, winning the race by a fraction of three seconds.

Sex Piston, Killyama, Fat Louise, Crazy Bitch and T.A. all jumped up and down. Meri, and Keri joined in; Aunt Katy had volunteered to stay home with Star who would have been exhausted by the long day at the track.

“Sex Piston, pull your dress down. You’re showing all your assets,” Sizzle snapped, reaching forward in her seat to tug the bottom of the tight dress down.

Sex Piston threw her mother a frustrated look and then took her seat next to her ma, grabbing the popcorn from her. “Chill out, Ma.”

“You’re just like your grandmother; she didn’t care who she showed herself to either.”

“Who are you talking about?” Sex Piston asked, staring at her mother, worried that since she had moved in with Stud and his girls in his huge house that her mother was becoming even more lost to reality. Maybe she was wrong and everything hadn’t been going as well as she thought.

“Quit staring at me as if I’m going senile. Your pops and I are doing fine without you, Sex Piston. You come by the house twice a day to check on us. We actually see you more now that you moved out.”

Sex Piston’s hand tightened on the popcorn, refusing to let Fat Louise have it. “Go buy your own. I almost broke my neck going down those steps in these heels.”

Killyama handed Fat Louise her popcorn when she started pouting.

“Sucker.” Sex Piston kept eating the popcorn, despite Killyama’s glare.

“Your grandmother would have—”

“Ma, you’ve got to quit talking about your mother. The only thing you knew about her was her first name. That was all the woman who adopted you would let you know, so quit acting like you shared such a great relationship.”

Her mother looked around, apprehensively surveying the crowd around them. “Sex Piston, there is something I’ve never told you. I knew your grandmother. She visited me whenever she was able to, but you’re right; I barely remember her at all. I only know what I read about her.” Sizzle leaned closer to Sex Piston, still keeping a wary eye out for eavesdroppers. “She was beautiful. She was a star. That’s why we named you after her, our beautiful star.”

Sex Piston’s hand holding the popcorn halfway to her mouth dropped the popcorn back into the bucket.

“You named me Norma because you thought I was a beautiful star, like you thought Diamond was your precious jewel?”

“Of course, honey. My two babies had to have special names.” Sex Piston felt the hurt that she had held that her parents cared more for Diamond disappear. It didn’t totally disappear because Diamond was always going to be a daddy’s girl, but she was hoping that the big, ass fifty inch television that she had purchased for Father’s Day might have him reconsidering giving her that title.

“Stud’s done,” Crazy Bitch said over her shoulder.

“He kiss her?” Sex Piston asked, getting to her feet and smoothing down her dress with a wiggle of her hips before handing her popcorn to Killyama.

“Nope, he took the trophy and stepped away. See, I told you he learned his lesson,” Crazy Bitch said smugly.

The second to last race Stud won, the trophy bitch had grabbed and kissed Stud, and the asshole hadn’t tried hard to break her lip lock. He went a week watching her dress in her sexiest outfits without getting any. The last race, a week ago, he had let the trophy bitch kiss him again. She almost twisted his left nut off when she gave him his early morning blowjob in the shower. Her man might be slow, but he wasn’t stupid.

“See you guys Monday,” she said to T.A. and Crazy Bitch, giving Meri and Keri their hugs. They had begged to spend the night with Killyama and Fat Louise, who were going to drop them off tomorrow afternoon. Sex Piston bent down to give Sizzle a goodbye kiss. “Later, Ma.”

Sex Piston turned to go down the bleachers then hesitated before turning back. “Ma, what did you mean your mother was a star?”

“Shh… I shouldn’t have said anything. It could be dangerous to open old wounds. Forget I ever said anything.” Her mother returned to eating her popcorn.

“Ma, has Diamond come around, you know, bringing you a little something that you and Pops like to smoke on your Saturday nights?”

Her mother’s angry glare told her that she better spend another few bucks on Pops present to add the premium channels to make it up to her.

She gave up on her mother and walked the short path to find Stud.