She heard his nightstand open and close and then the crinkle of a condom wrapper before his cock plunged into her in a series of strokes that had her flesh struggling to adjust to his size.

His hands rubbed her back as he started to fuck her, sliding his cock in and out. The sound of his flesh slapping into hers was an erotic sound that rose wanton feelings in her. His hands went to her ass, spreading the globes wide. She tried to jerk away when she felt his thumb against the rosette of her ass.

“Hell no,” she said.

“Stay still.”

He rolled his hips, taking longer strokes that had her hand grabbing the mattress to prevent herself from being pounded into the mattress. She felt his thumb begin to push inside her ass. A feeling of pure lust had her changing her mind about stopping him. Her climax struck when he buried his thumb to the hilt within her.

“You can’t have an ass like yours and not expect me to play with it.” His lips placed tiny kisses on her back, soothing her as he stroked his cock in her still tender pussy.

Sex Piston felt his chest shudder as he gave a hard lunge inside of her. Stud stayed immobile for several seconds before he stood up, removing his thumb and cock.

“I’ll be right back.” She heard him move away, going to the bathroom.

Sex Piston turned, managing to sit on the bed, her body trembling at the second climax that had struck when she had felt his. The man had her coming three times the first time she had sex. It was more than she expected the experience would bring. It was definitely more than Ace had been able to manage the whole time they were together.

When he came out of the bathroom, she stood up and went into the small room herself. Turning on the shower, she washed herself off before grabbing a towel and drying herself. Going back out into the bedroom, she saw that Stud was lying on the bed with his hands behind his head.

While she was still deciding about getting dressed, he took her hand and pulled her down on the bed beside him.

“Go to sleep,” Stud said, turning on his side and pulling her close.

She had spent the night a few times with Ace, but inevitably she wouldn’t be able to sleep next to him. Thinking that she would lie there until he fell asleep then leave, she began feeling drowsy. Relaxing back unconsciously into him, she felt his thumb stroking the curve of her breast.

Clingy fucker couldn’t lie still, she thought to herself before she fell asleep.

Chapter Nine

Sex Piston strummed her fingers on the steering wheel in the long line of cars, waiting to pick up Stud’s kids after school. Usually, Fat Louise picked up his kids, but she had called to tell Sex Piston that she was stuck at the dentist’s office. She would have asked one of her crew, but the beauty shop she owned was slow today, and Killyama and her were sitting around, bored.

They had gotten in the green car, expecting a quick pick up, however, it was taking a while and both women were becoming impatient.

“Where you been the last two weeks?” Killyama asked, bringing up the subject again for the hundredth time.

“Been busy.” She gave the standard reply that she gave everyone.

“Doing what?” Killyama wouldn’t drop the subject.

Sex Piston looked at the car in front of hers, not meeting her friend’s sharp gaze. She had been spending the evenings at Stud’s after his kids had gone to bed. She had also been avoiding the clubhouse, not wanting to see him with the usual skanks that hung around. Sex Piston hadn’t let anyone know yet that her and Stud were seeing each other. She couldn’t explain why, even when Stud had asked.

She kept expecting their time together to come to an end, either by him pissing her off or him getting bored with her. It hadn’t happened yet and it was beginning to freak the crap out of her. The man never reacted the way she expected him to and he fucked better than he raced, which was even better in her way of thinking. It was becoming harder and harder to stay away from him until his girls went to sleep or he came home from the club.

He spent all his free time with the girls, only going to the club when they fell asleep and the sitter came in, which was only when he saw they were down for the night. She had come to respect the bastard for that detail; it was more than her pops had done for Diamond and her.

Every day, she swore she would break it off with him, yet find herself getting on her bike to go to his house, inevitably spending the night. She would sneak out in the morning before his girls got up for school.