“Okay, now that’s settled, let’s finish eating. She made dessert.”

Sex Piston went into the kitchen to get the pies, looking up when she noticed Stud had followed her into the room.

“If you say one thing, I’ll kick your ass,” Sex Piston threatened with the pie in her hand.

Stud put his hands up in surrender. “I just came in to offer help.”

Sex Piston thrust the pies at him, which he hastily grabbed. She picked up dessert plates and forks before leaving him with no choice but to follow.

The pies were demolished instantly and then her parents and Stud drank coffee afterwards as Sex Piston and her crew cleaned the table and did the dishes. When they finished, Sex Piston went back into the living room where her parents and Stud were discussing the Destructors while his kids dozed on the couch.

“We’re going to take off, Ma. Be back later,” Sex Piston informed her mother as she grabbed her leather jacket from the closet.

“Where are you going?” she asked casually.

“Fat Louise isn’t answering her phone; we’re going to go see why.” Sex Piston threw Stud a dirty look, which he returned with a face devoid of expression.

“Probably still sleeping,” he said, staring back at her.

“Probably, but I need to have a talk with her.” Not to mention, kick that ass she is so proud of.

Stud smiled. “See you later then.”

Sex Piston paused on the way out of the door, restraining herself from giving him an earful because of the children present. Rudely not responding, she left with her friends, knowing that if she didn’t get away from the man, she was going to smack him upside his head.

Fat Louise better have a good explanation of how Sex Piston had ended up in bed with that man. The woman was a serious fuck up, but they had counted on her to remain sober and watch their backs and she had let them all down.

Sex Piston would have rather woke up next to any club member than Stud. They had been silently challenging each other since he had taken over as President. He thought that he had won the first battle. The only battle he had won was one the fucker hadn’t even known about.

Chapter Three

Sex Piston banged her fist on Fat Louise’s door. It took several minutes for Fat Louise to answer the door. Her blond hair was a mess and she was still wearing the same clothes she was wearing the night before.

“What...?” she managed to get out before Sex Piston pushed her backwards into her mother’s apartment.

“Bitch, I’m giving you one chance to tell me how I woke up in Stud’s bed and the rest of them sleeping on the pool table.”

“I don’t know. T.A. told me it was her turn to not drink.”

“I didn’t. I told you it was my turn to drink. You had your mind on your stomach more than watching our backs.” T.A. glared at her friend.

Tears welled into Fat Louise’s eyes. “I’m sorry, I made a mistake.”

Sex Piston eased off her friend as always. She had fucked up, but she was going to make it up to them.

“You’re going to be at my house at eight in the morning,” Sex Piston told her. “Ma is going to babysit Stud’s kids for a while.”

“She can’t babysit,” Fat Louise stated in disbelief.

“I know that. That’s where you come in. Tell mom you’re waiting for me to get off work.”

“At eight in the morning? She’s a space cadet, but she’s not that stupid,” Fat Louise argued.

“Then make up something else. I don’t care, but I don’t want Ma left alone with the kids. Got it?”

Fat Louise nodded her head. “We’ll be okay then? You won’t be mad anymore?” she cajoled. The woman couldn’t handle the thought of anyone holding a grudge against her.

Sex Piston sighed. “We won’t be mad anymore, but you should have had our backs.”

Fat Louise nodded. “I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to you. But I still think it was T.A.’s turn.”

T.A. gave her friend a hard shove. “It was your fucking turn! How did you get home?”

“Bear drove me home last night when you guy’s all got shit-faced and didn’t want to leave. Did something happen?”

“Sex Piston fucked Stud,” T.A. answered.

“Was he any good?” Fat Louise asked breathlessly.

“How do I know? I don’t remember a damn thing,” Sex Piston snapped.

“If you remember, will you let me know? I’ve been curious. I mean, he really seems like he would know how to fuck really good.”

Sex Piston clenched her hands by her side to hold herself back from punching her friend. “You’ll be the first to know if I ever remember what happened last night,” Sex Piston threatened her friend.

Fat Louise finally got the message that she was stepping on fragile ground and shut-up.

“What were we doing when you left?” Killyama asked.