Sex Piston raised a brow at that, Sizzle never dressed up when she invited friends over.

She stared at the amount of food on the stove then at Sex Piston’s crew sitting familiarly at the table. “Where’s Fat Louise?”

“That’s what we would like to know,” Sex Piston answered her grimly.

“Well, make sure when she gets here that she doesn’t eat all the food,” Sizzle said, going out the door as she gave Sex Piston a rolling of her eyes, which was her mother not so subtly warning her not to let them eat all the food either.

“Wonder who she invited?” Crazy Bitch asked.

“Don’t know, don’t care.” Sex Piston shrugged. “I have enough to feed everyone.” She had planned to use the leftovers for her pops lunch throughout the week. If there wasn’t any left, then she would just come up with something else.

She made crust enough for two pies, deciding to make extra for dessert. She had learned to cook while still in grade school or they would have starved to death. Her mother was a terrible cook and Diamond had been more interested in books than helping in the kitchen. Both Diamond and their father were always content with the sandwiches her ma made when she made dinner, not Sex Piston.

“I hope whoever it is doesn’t eat much, the food smells good,” Killyama said.

“I’m sure you’ll manage to get your fair share,” Sex Piston assured her as she spooned the chocolate filling into the pie shells before putting on the meringue.

She was taking both pies back out of the oven when her ma came back into the kitchen with an excited expression on her face. “They’re here.” Walking to the refrigerator, she pulled out three beers and two sodas before going back out into the other room.

“I have to see this,” Crazy Bitch said, getting up from her seat at the kitchen table and walking out into the other room. When she didn’t come back for several minutes, Killyama and T.A. got up from the table; their curiosity getting the better of them.

Sex Piston finished placing the food into serving dishes while waiting for her friends to come back. When they didn’t, she became curious despite herself. She, too, went into the other room.

Walking through the dining room, she came to a stop in the doorway of the living room.

Her mother was sitting with a little girl on her lap. The toddler was all dressed up with frilly hair bows in her curly blond hair and wearing a bright pink dress. Two other children, who seemed about eleven-years-old, were sitting on the couch, staring daggers at her crew. The two girls were obviously twins and were not impressed with her friends’ unfriendly attitudes.

Stud was standing by the window, talking to Skulls and ignoring the stare down going on behind his back.

Her mother looked up, seeing her standing by the doorway. “Is dinner ready?” Sizzle asked, unnecessarily straightening the baby’s dress.

Sex Piston nodded before turning away and walking back into the kitchen. Picking up the ham, she packed it out to the dining room table as the rest of her crew began to help bring out the rest of the meal. Going back into the kitchen, she picked up the pitcher of tea before going back to the table.

The only chair left at the table was the one by Stud. Throwing her friends a dirty look, she reluctantly sat down.

Her mother started passing the food around the table. Stud had no problem filling his plate. Her mother, Sex Piston had noticed, had pulled out hers and Diamond’s old highchair and sat his daughter in it. Her ma had sat the highchair next to her and was giving the little girl small bites of food.

“This brings back memories for me, Stud. Thanks for bringing your children to dinner.” Her ma was so sweet it grated on Sex Piston’s nerves.

Stud gave her mother a charming smile, which Sex Piston rolled her eyes at. Her mother threw her a sharp look, which had her dropping her eyes back to her plate. Her ma might come across as sickeningly sweet to Stud, but she would rip her head off if she felt Sex Piston was being rude at her dinner table.

“Don’t you have any normal food?” one twin asked rudely. She picked up the ham slice on her fork, wiggling it like a worm on a hook.

Sex Piston opened her mouth, but shut it at Stud’s sharp rebuke to his daughter. “Meri, apologize now.”

The girl raised rebellious eyes to Sex Piston, but followed her father’s order. “Sorry.” The mini witch was lying through the braces on her teeth.

Sex Piston didn’t acknowledge the girl’s apology. The girl needed to realize who the Queen of Bitches was. She was going to get a quick lesson if she kept it up.