Stud and all the Destructors that Diamond had grown up with had been told, plus the Blue Horseman had every intention of taking part if liquor was provided. Many had left work early for the chance to party.

Sex Piston hadn’t seen Stud since Candi had pulled her stunt with Star. Skulls had told her that Stud had spent the last two days trying to get help for Candi while at the same time legally protecting Star’s rights, making sure Candi would never get near Star again.

She found a table before all of them could be taken. Crazy Bitch and Killyama took a seat, having grabbed the beer.

“Think she’s knocked up?” Crazy Bitch asked.

“No, Diamond would plan on getting pregnant three years in advance,” Sex Piston answered her.

A chair was pulled out and Stud took a seat next to her. All the women stared at him as he placed a casual arm across the back of her chair. Diamond sat down on her other side.

“Next time, give us a little warning, Diamond,” Sex Piston told her sister while ignoring Stud’s possessive behavior.

“There’s not going to be a next time,” laughed Diamond, not getting upset at her sister’s snarky remark. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a slip of paper, handing it to Sex Piston.

Curiously, she opened it to find it was a check. The amount had her eyes opening wide as she stared at Diamond in surprise.

“Who you wanting me to kill?” Sex Piston asked, not understanding why Diamond would give her so much money.

“No one. That’s to pay you back. I tried to give it to Mom and Dad.” Her smile disappeared before she reached out and took Sex Piston’s hand. “They told me you were the one to help pay for my college. All those babysitting jobs you took; you gave Ma the money for me. You even dropped out of high school senior year despite Ma and Pops begging you not to get a full time job.

“It took three times as long for you to get through beauty school because you were still giving Ma your money for me.” Diamond’s eyes shone with love for Sex Piston as she recounted Sex Piston’s sacrifices for her.

“I didn’t know, and all those times I was bitching at you for not educating yourself better, you just ignored me.” Diamond bit her lip, gazing at her little sister.

“You were a better sister to me than I was to you. I was the older one and I should have watched out for you. I failed you, Sex Piston, and I’m deeply ashamed. I thought you were the one instigating the fights, stealing all the girls’ boyfriends. Instead, it was the other way around and you were protecting me to keep me from getting hurt again.

“I owe you my law degree, and even the life I’ll be leading with Knox. I would have never gotten to know him if I hadn’t had to take his case. That money will never equal the life you have given me. Thank you.”

Sex Piston couldn’t say anything around the lump in her throat, finally just managing to give a smile.

“I’m so proud of you,” Diamond told her.

“Enough to let me have a spot on your island if zombies attack?” Sex Piston joked.

“You know it,” Diamond said seriously.

“You guys are creeping me the fuck out. I need another beer,” Killyama said, getting to her feet.

Knox came to their table. “Let’s dance.”

“Okay.” Diamond stood up. She leaned down, hugging her sister close before letting her go.

Knox gazed down at his new sister-in-law and pulled her to her feet before pulling her into a bear hug. “I’m a lucky man. I married a woman I love and now I have a sister. I’ve never had a family, Sex Piston, and I plan on enjoying having you and your parents as mine.” His bald-headed badassness was ruined by the twinkle in his eyes. “Especially if you’re the one who cooks when we have dinner at your parents’ house.”

“I think I can manage that.”

Killyama, who had returned with her beer, turned on her heel again. “Pike, get your ass over here and dance with me. I can’t handle all this mushy bullshit.”

Sex Piston grinned at Killyama’s abrasive behavior. Knox grinned, too, as he took Diamond’s hand and led her to the dance floor. Sex Piston sat back down at the table where Stud’s arm was still around the back of her chair.

Crazy Bitch stared at them a moment before yelling, “Blade!” Giving a wicked grin, she also took off to the dance floor. Blade joined her with a frightened look.

“Your men are pussies,” she said, watching Pike dance as far away from Killyama as he could.

“Do you blame them?” Stud asked.

“No, both Crazy Bitch and Killyama could take them,” Sex Piston bragged.