Star started crying harder. It broke something in Sex Piston that she didn’t think could be broken anymore.

Stud could only watch in admiration as Sex Piston tried to lure Candi away from the embankment.

“Sexy. I want Sexy,” his daughter cried, holding out her arms to Sex Piston.

“Shut up, Star,” Candi screamed at her daughter.

“Candi,” calmly Sex Piston held out her arms, terror on her face, “please, please let that baby go. You’re scaring her.”

Stud was standing there, watching the woman he loved drop all her guards and pride to get Star safe.

“What the hell do you care?”

“I love her, and I’m begging you to hand me Star because you’re her mother and when you’re not drugged out of your fucking mind, you’re going to be sick at how much danger you’ve put her in tonight.”

Candi stopped weaving for a split second, her gaze never leaving Sex Piston’s tear-streaked face.

“Please, Candi, I’m begging you. Give her to me.” Sex Piston took a step forward and Candi started to take another step back, but came up against Killyama who braced her weight steady before putting her hands in her hair, tugging her head backward at an awkward angle.

“You’re going to stand still and gently give that baby to Sex Piston right now because if you don’t, you stupid bitch, I’m going to break your fucking neck and take her out of your cold, dead hands.” Killyama’s cold and concise voice saved Candi’s life, giving her a moment’s clarity long enough not to resist Sex Piston when she took Star away from her.

As soon as Sex Piston got the baby away, Killyama threw Candi roughly to the ground, grinding her face into the gravel of the parking lot several times before Pike and Blade could pull the vicious woman away.

Stud went to Sex Piston, wanting desperately to hold his daughter, but he saw he would have to wait in line. He had wondered and always somehow knew Sex Piston’s capacity for love; now it was on display before him.

She was on her knees in the graveled parking lot, holding Star to her chest, crying into her neck as if her world was shattered. Crazy Bitch, Fat Louise, T.A. and then Killyama surrounded her, trying to give her privacy until she could regain control. When Stud saw her friends look of concern, he knew that Sex Piston had never even shown this side to them.

“Sex Piston.” Stud went to her, going down on his haunches beside her, his hand rubbing Star’s curls. “She’s safe. You’re holding her, and she’s safe.” A shuddering breath had her nodding her head as she turned sideways, handing him Star.

Stud got to his feet before reaching down and helping Sex Piston get to hers. Several police cars drove onto the parking lot, screeching to a stop. Their lights bright in the dark night.

Sex Piston’s hands smoothed away her tears as she went to her car. Her crew following closely behind her. Stud wanted to stop her from leaving, but knew he had to talk to the police and straighten out the mess Candi had made.

Sighing in regret, he turned back to the officers as they approached. Star’s arms twined around his neck. Relief at her being safe brought tears to his own eyes.

Right now, all his women needed him, but he had to take care of the bullshit that Candi had created first before he could restore order and reassure them that everything was okay, including the woman who had driven away without a backward glance.

She didn’t know that it was the last time she would be walking away from him.

Chapter Seventeen

Sex Piston stood beside her sister in the tiny clerk’s office. She had answered her phone that morning to her sister’s voice filled with laughter as she told her to get her ass to the courthouse and bring Ma and Pops if they wanted to see her get married.

She had jumped out of bed and called her crew, setting up a small reception for them afterward at the clubhouse before getting herself dressed. She had managed to get Ma and Pops organized enough to get them all there with five minutes to spare.

The small room was already filled to capacity with Viper, Diamond, Razer, Beth, Lily, Shade, Rider and Train. Diamond gave her a happy smile as the judge began. It was short and sweet with the happy couple kissing each other before Diamond turned to their parents, giving each of them a hug.

Sex Piston managed to maneuver herself through the crowd to give her sister a brief hug before telling her that she had set up the reception for her. Diamond gave her a grateful smile before telling everyone in the room.

The drive back to Jamestown thankfully gave her friends time enough to gather the needed supplies for the unplanned celebration. When Sex Piston and her parents walked in the door, she was happy with the results that had been accomplished in such a short time.