“I told him that I was feeling a sharp pain and he wants to make sure there are no compilations so he’s going to keep me hospitalized.” Fat Louise wiped her greasy fingers on her napkin.

Sex Piston’s lips twitched, her friend was milking her stay for everything she was worth. T.A. had even been sneaking in her favorite birthday cake milkshakes. She also had Killyama bring her favorite meal of year, and Crazy Bitch keeping her constant company. The girl had no intention of getting better soon. If the hot as hell doctor kept visiting her between rounds, Sex Piston was afraid the woman would fake a coma to stay.

“Did you stop in to see Lily before she left?” Fat Louise asked.

“Yes. Unlike you, she was anxious to go home,” Sex Piston said softly. Because Beth and Evie were both skilled nurses, the doctor had been convinced to release her that afternoon, but she would be under the care of a physician for several weeks.

Fat Louise lowered her eyes. “I’d want to leave, too, if I had Beth, Razer and Shade waiting on me to leave.”

“We’re waiting for you to leave,” Sex Piston consoled, her hand going to her friend’s foot, giving it a playful squeeze.

Another shrug was her response. “My mom’s not.”

“I already talked to your mom. I packed your shit up and moved it to my house. You’re going to live with me for a while, if you don’t mind. Now that Joker doesn’t live with me anymore, I get lonely. You can keep me company,” Crazy Bitch said, sitting down on the bed beside her.

“For real?” Fat Louise perked up immediately.

“For real,” Crazy Bitch confirmed with a smile. “Besides, now that you have a job you can pay half the rent which is more than Joker ever did.”

“I can do that,” Fat Louise said in agreement.

Sex Piston stood up and smoothed down the bed sheets. “I’ve got to go. I’m meeting Stud for dinner at his house.”

“Say hi to the girls for me.” Fat Louise waved her off with a drumstick.

Saying goodbye to her friends, Sex Piston walked out of the small hospital. She still felt moments of relief that Lily and Fat Louise had survived when the outcome could have been one or all of them dead. If she had taken the cape off Lily… If Lily hadn’t had her cell phone in her pocket… She was just thankful this time the circumstances were in their favor. Unfortunately, that also meant several more months of Popeye’s.

Sex Piston drove to Stud’s house. Her nerves—she would have sworn she didn’t have—began kicking in, making her nervous about the coming meeting. She was meeting his aunt tonight, who was very important to him.

Sex Piston pulled into Stud’s driveway, sucking in a deep breath before she walked to his door.

Before she could knock, the door was opened and Meri stood there, staring up at her with a big smile.

“Hi, Sex Piston.”

“Meri!” an admonishing voice came from the kitchen.

Sex Piston winked at the girl, coming in and shutting the door behind her. She saw Stud’s aunt enter the living room, coming to a stop when she saw Sex Piston.

Her shocked eyes went over her tight leather leggings and oversized sweater that dipped low enough to show the globes of her breasts. Her black leather, studded jacket, and skull rings only added to the image of the classic biker bitch. Stud’s aunt didn’t try to hide her disappointment, her lips tightening in disappointment.

“You must be Stud’s friend, Sex Piston.” Sex Piston could tell the woman was having difficulty getting her name to come out of her mouth.

“You must be Stud’s Aunt Katy,” Sex Piston returned the introduction, holding out her hand with the bright red fingernails and skull ring on.

She could tell the woman was afraid she would catch something if she touched her. Briefly she shook her hand then took a step away, wiping her hand on the side of her apron.

“Stud called and said he was running late. Have a seat while I finish dinner.”

“Can I help? I’m—”

“No. Um, I have it under control. You keep Meri and Keri company. Meri, go get your sister,” she said hurriedly. “I better get back in the kitchen. I don’t want anything to burn.” The woman skedaddled as if she had a porcupine up her ass. Sex Piston sat down on the couch while Meri went in search of her sister.

Movement from Star’s playpen drew Sex Piston’s gaze as Star toddled to the end of the playpen and stood, grasping it while she stared at her as she sucked her thumb.

“Sexy!” she squealed. A revealing smile broke free as Sex Piston stood up to pick up the toddler. Her baby powder smell enveloped her as she held her. Those chubby little arms circled her neck, grasping handfuls of her hair and tugging.