“What are we going to do now?” Dale asked, moving backward to Joker as he carefully kept the women in his view.

“She’s going to take you to the bank and withdraw some cash. If she tries anything, kill her.” Pointing the gun at Sex Piston, he made his threat clear. “I’ll kill one of these sluts every thirty minutes until you’re back.”

Sex Piston’s blood ran cold at Joker’s threat.

“Let’s go.” Dale motioned Sex Piston out the door.

Her thoughts raced as she tried to figure out a plan to free her friends. In her car they kept the bat, but the chances of her actually grabbing it or the weapons Killyama had in the trunk weren’t very high when he had a gun pointed at her.

“Move your ass. And, Sex Piston, you try any shit with me and I’ll make sure that I kill you then kill every one of those bitches waiting for you to come back,” Dale ordered harshly.

Sex Piston gave him a cold glare as she slowly started to walk out of the room. “You always were a dick, Dale. You think I’m stupid enough that I haven’t already figured out that you’re planning on killing us anyway?”

The expression on his face confirmed her worst fears.

Chapter Fourteen

“I’ll get you money,” she gave in, figuring that she stood a better chance getting Dale alone than cramped into the small back room with two guns pointed at them.

It was better if they separated. Maybe one of them would be able to manage to escape. She caught Killyama and T.A.’s eyes, passing the silent message.

Sex Piston spun on her heels and walked to the front of the store, leading Dale through the empty shop. Unlocking the front door, she searched the parking lot with a quick glance.

“Lock the door back up,” Dale ordered. Sex Piston took her shop keys out of her pocket.

“Move,” she demanded him to get out of her way before turning back toward the door. After she locked the door, he jerked her away and pushed her toward her car parked on the side of the building. The parking lot was pitch black as she carefully walked so that she wouldn’t trip in her high-heeled boots.

She opened her car door, forcing Dale to take a step back.

Hearing a shuffle, she looked over her shoulder to find Stud’s arm around Dale’s neck from behind, holding him still while Shade took the gun out of his hand. Shade pointed the gun at Dale while Stud pressed against Dale’s throat until he passed out. Stud let him fall to the ground.

Bear moved out of the shadows, picking up Dale as the other brothers from the club came out of the darkness.

“Put him somewhere and leave two men watching over him,” Stud told Bear.

Sex Piston watched as they carried Dale off before turning back to Stud and Shade.

“You okay?” Stud asked.

She nodded, barely able to keep herself from throwing herself into his arms. She had learned to be tough long ago. Right now, she needed to keep her mind on her friends who were still in danger.

“Joker has the others in the back of the shop, Stud. He has a gun pointed on them,” Sex Piston told them.

“We know.” Stud grimly moved toward her to take her in his arms, holding her close. Sex Piston allowed herself a moment to relax against him.


“Lily. We’ve been listening in on her cell phone,” Shade answered.

Sex Piston thought of the cape around her, which would have hidden all her movements.

“Thank God.” If she had removed the cape, then Joker and Dale would have taken the cell phone away. No one had thought of Lily having a cell phone in her pocket concealed by the large cape.

“Stay here.” Stud released her after giving her a tight squeeze.

“I’m going with you. I can go in the door first and distract him,” Sex Piston argued.

“You’re staying here,” he demanded, turning away, but she reached out and grabbed his arm, forcing him to listen to her.

“You’ve never been inside my shop. He has a gun on my friends. You go through that door first, then Joker might shoot. Please, Stud.” It took everything she had to plead with him. Any other time, she would just do what she wanted, but she wanted Stud to trust her enough to know what she was doing.

“Let her go. If he starts shooting in a small room, any of those women could be hit by a bullet. If she could get his back to the door, then we can take him,” Shade said grimly.

Stud hesitated before nodding his head.

Sex Piston went to the door alone and unlocked it. Holding it open, the men moved silently into the shop. They moved behind the counter, trying to keep their reflections from the mirrors. At Shades nod, she walked toward the back of the shop, trying to beat down the panic flooding through her veins. She was aware Stud and Shade were maneuvering themselves closer to her.