“A Dom?” Lily’s eyes widened in the mirror, staring at Killyama.

“Don’t you read books? Haven’t you heard of Fifty-One Shades of Black and Blue?” Killyama wisecracked.

It was everything Sex Piston could do to hold her scissors steady, desperately biting down on her tongue to keep from adding a raunchy comeback.

“I’ve heard of books like that, but I’ve never read them,” Lily said, her head lowered to her lap.

“What’s your email? I’ll lend you a few copies,” Killyama said, then added beneath her breath, “You’re going to need them.”

“No thanks. I don’t have time for extra reading right now. I have finals coming up. Besides that, I really only read inspirational books.”

“They inspired me,” Killyama said with a big smile.

“Can I borrow them?” Fat Louise asked.

“No,” Killyama, Crazy Bitch, T.A. and Sex Piston all spoke at the same time.

“Send them to me. I need some fresh ideas,” Crazy Bitch said, still swinging the chair back and forth. “I have a new whip to break in.”

When Lily began staring at Crazy Bitch with fear, which Sex Piston had to admit she kinda had her reconsidering their friendship, she changed the conversation to Lily’s friend.

“What’s your roommate, Penni, doing for spring break?”

“She’s doing an internship, too. She wants to get a job with them when she graduates in May.” Lily didn’t look happy that her friend would be graduating before her. “I’m going to miss having her as a roommate.”

Sex Piston took her time styling Lily’s hair. It was beginning to get dark when Lily had arrived and now it was completely dark outside.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw Killyama go to the door and look out.

Finished, Sex Piston took a step back, admiring her work. The result was stunning.

“Holy shit,” the women surrounding Lily exclaimed.

The young girl had been transformed into a sexy woman. Her hair had been layered to let the dark locks frame her face, drawing attention to her beautiful eyes and full lips. The length remained almost the same, yet it appeared fuller and thicker with the addition of the layers Sex Piston had cut.

Sex Piston watched as Lily stared at her image in the mirror. She could tell that Lily was uncomfortable with the look. “If you don’t like it, all you have to do is blow dry it straight when you wash it,” she said gently, laying her hand on her arm underneath the cape. “If you give it a couple of days, you’ll get used to it. The style is a more mature look for you.”

“It sure as hell is. If I was a guy, I’d do you. Hell, I love dick, but you’re making me consider switching, Lily,” T.A. joked, touching Lily’s other arm.

Sex Piston could tell the smile Lily gave her was forced.

“It’s nice. I was just expecting you to cut it shorter.” Her murmur was low and filled with disappointment.

“Lily, short hair isn’t going to make you less hot.” Lily shot a surprised look at Sex Piston’s intuitive comment. “Sometimes, the only way to fight what you’re afraid of is to be a better fighter. A girl can always be overwhelmed, but a woman knows how to overwhelm a man,” Sex Piston replied with the best advice she could.

Lily nodded, seeming to straighten in her seat as she gingerly touched her new hairstyle.

Sex Piston noticed Killyama motioning to her.

“I’ll be right back.” Leaving Lily’s side with the other women remarking on her new style, she went to stand next to Killyama who she had noticed had gone out back and then had returned with a worried look.

“What’s up?” she asked. Nothing scared Killyama, so to see her worried, sent alarm signals running down her back.

“Someone’s messed with the parking lot lights. It’s dark as shit out there and the other shops next to you are already closed.”

“Maybe it’s just the timer malfunctioning?” Sex Piston tried to think of a reason that the reliable system that automatically turned the lights on when it became dark had failed.

“I don’t think so. I think we should call the club and ask a few of the brothers to escort us out of here. I checked the back door; it’s locked. Let’s lock the front door and stay put until they get here.”

“You sure? They’ll give us hell if we drag their asses out for nothing.”

“Ace may have, but Stud wouldn’t. I don’t like the feel of this, Sex Piston. T.A. and I both left our weapons in the trunk of the car because of all the kids you have running around in here when their moms are getting their hair cut.”

“Call them. I’ll lock the door.” If Killyama felt threatened, then they needed to worry. Sex Piston trusted her instincts.

Moving toward the door, she stopped at the sight of a man walking in the door with a gun in his hand.