Lacking any coherent thoughts, Sex Piston bit down on the flesh in her mouth, her hands clenching onto his shoulders as her orgasm hit her with a wave of desire that couldn’t be held back any longer.

“Fuck,” Stud groaned, pressing her flat against the door as his cock jerked his own climax into her slippery pussy.

When she finished trembling, she raised her head. Stud let her legs slip down from his waist, setting her back down on the floor.

Sex Piston slid her skirt back down her hips, not looking at Stud as he took her hand and led her into the bathroom. Taking a wash cloth, he soaped and wetted it and then sat her on the counter before he went down on his knees.

“Spread your legs.”

Sex Piston widened her stance, letting him wash her as she looked down at him. She started to reach out and touch his hair, wanting something she wasn’t willing to recognize, when her eyes caught the mark on the side of his neck.


“What?” he asked, throwing the wet cloth into a basket in the corner and then going to the sink to wash his own hands. Zipping and snapping his jeans, he looked at her curiously.

“Your neck.” Sex Piston’s hand went to her mouth.

Stud turned back to the mirror. Sex Piston watched as he took in the mark she had left behind.

“I don’t think you left any doubt in anyone’s mind that you’re my old lady, do you?”

Sex Piston’s lips tightened at his remark. Jumping down from the counter, she stormed out of the bathroom, stopping in front of the closed bedroom door. She reached down to pick up her torn underwear before going to the trashcan by the bed and throwing them away. All the while she avoided his eyes as he came out of the bathroom.

“Is it so bad that everyone knows?”

“I’ve played this game before, Stud,” Sex Piston said. “I didn’t want to play it again.”

“I’m not playing you, Sex Piston.” His hard voice drew her reluctant gaze. “It’s not about the pussy, is it, Sex Piston? You’re fucking beautiful. You have a body that’s hot as hell and you know it because you work it with those clothes you wear. You’re not worried about me fucking another bitch. You want me to want you. What you don’t want is to want me back. Isn’t that right, Sex Piston? You’re letting me in enough to have that body, which is more than you gave Ace, but you’re still trying to keep me out like you keep everyone out, except your crew.”

Sex Piston lowered her lashes, trying to hide the panic coursing through her veins. She took a step toward the door, but Stud moved to block her path.

“You don’t have to protect yourself from me, Sex Piston. I’ve never let anyone down my whole life.” He reached out to touch her cheek, but she jerked her head back.

“What do you want from me, Stud?” Frustrated, she waved her hand toward the door. “Everyone out there knows we’re hooked up now.”

“I want you to admit this is more than fucking,” Stud responded.

“It’s all about the fucking,” she shot back stubbornly.

Stud shook his head. “No, it’s not, and you know it. You’re smart enough to know I care about you, but you won’t admit the same.”

She refused to respond to his misconception. She didn’t care about him. Her traitorous body wanted him, but that was all there was to it. Once she had enough of his dick then she’d move on to the next one.

“You can lie to yourself all you want, Sex Piston, but I know that you care about me.”

Stud’s stubbornness was beginning to get to her. “You’re full of shit!”

She had to get out of the close confines of the room, away from his searching eyes that were trying to find emotions that she had buried years ago when she realized how people could suck you dry and leave you with nothing left to give.

“No, I’m not. You’ve reorganized your whole life around my kids. You added them into the group of people you take care of.”

Sex Piston tensed.

“You take care of your mom, cooking and cleaning because she’s ditzy as fuck. You see that your dad takes all his medicine when he’s supposed to and eats right so that his diabetes stays under control. That’s why you don’t have your own place because you’ve been taking care of them for a long time. I’m willing to bet that you took care of Diamond before she took off for college.”

Sex Piston’s bottom lip trembled. She bit down on it to stop the betraying movement.

“You gave Crazy Bitch a job and are planning on taking care of her tuition. You promised one of your clients free services at your shop for a year if she helped get Fat Louise a job at the hospital. T.A.’s ex-boyfriend got violent with her a couple months back; you bought her a gun and made her take self defense lessons, and moved Killyama in with her. The only one I can tell that you haven’t had to shoulder is Killyama, and that bitch would fucking die for you.”