“Wow, I wish I was you tonight, Beth,” Killyama said, watching Razer’s ass as he stormed away.

Beth laid her head down on the table and Lily buried her face in her hands.

“Did you see how fast those pussies ran? At least the Blue Horsemen and the Destructors stand their ground,” Killyama said, picking up all the cash from the table and handing it to the waitress.

Beth and Lily just laughed louder.

Sex Piston and her crew had a free lunch. No woman could ask for more, she thought. She had a business she loved, a family that was healthy and best friends that could send some seriously dangerous men scrambling in fear.

Beth sighed. “I’ve got to go. I’ve got another patient to see before I can go home.”

“That’s cool,” Sex Piston said as they all got to their feet. “Lily, don’t forget to come by for that trim.”

“I won’t. Thanks, Sex Piston.” Lily gave her a smile that had her pausing.

Taking her hand, Sex Piston gave it a squeeze. “If they don’t give you a job at the factory, give me a call and you can work at my shop for the summer. Crazy Bitch will be too busy with school. You can replace her for the summer.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” she replied eagerly.

A worried frown marred Beth’s forehead at her sister’s answer. “We’ll see what happens.”

“Talk to you later, Beth,” Sex Piston said as they went outside.

Beth grabbed her for a quick hug, giving each of her crew one also. “Be careful riding home. That car looks like it’s going to break down any minute.”

“Shit, that car drives like a dream. Killyama keeps it in prime condition.” Sex Piston ignored the insult to their shared possession.

Killyama ran her hand over the hood of the hideous green car.

“Some things deserve to be updated and your car is one of them.” Beth’s comment didn’t faze Sex Piston. It was an ugly car, but it had character and it was big enough to hold all of them when they traveled together.

“It’s a classic. It will last forever, you’ll see. They don’t make cars like this anymore.”

Killyama and Crazy Bitch climbed in the back seat when Fat Louise grabbed the shotgun position in the front.

“Thank God for that,” Beth said, waving goodbye as she climbed into her new model SUV.

Chapter Twelve

“What’s wrong with Stud tonight?” Crazy Bitch asked.

Sex Piston turned her body, dancing so that her back was to Stud who was leaning against the bar, glaring a hole through her back.

“Don’t know, don’t care,” she lied to her friend.

The first thing Stud had done when her and her crew had entered the Destructors’ clubhouse was catch her alone when she came out of the bathroom to give her hell about The Last Riders joining them for lunch. She didn’t question how he had known—Fat Louise and her big mouth. She was getting tired of her being Stud’s snitch and she was going to give her hell when she had the chance.

“He looks pretty mad at you,” Crazy Bitch said.

“I do not give a flying fuck.” She enunciated each word.

Crazy Bitch’s words were racketing up the seductiveness of her dancing, hoping to make the asshole miserable as he watched her move and not be able to touch her.

“Playing with fire, bitch,” Killyama said from beside her.

Sex Piston shrugged. The music changed and she took off her leather jacket, exposing the flesh-colored halter-top, which showed the globes of her breasts. She caught several of the brothers eyeing her, watching to see if her breasts would spill out of her top.

“Shit,” Killyama said, knowing her friend was determined to pick a fight.

Sex Piston grinned at her, but stopped when she saw her mouth tighten in anger.


“Demie is all over him.”

Sex Piston almost jerked around to see. Demie was the resident slut of the month. She had just started hanging out the last few months and was gaining in popularity by working her way through each of the brothers. They had nicknamed her Demie because she gave each man a demonstration of the skills her mouth was capable of. The men had even begun bragging about who had lasted the longest with her.

“What’s she doing?” Sex Piston asked, already knowing what was going on behind her back.

“She’s cuddled up next to Stud, rubbing his thigh,” Killyama stated calmly, even though her hands were clenched into fists by her side. Killyama was the most protective of her and it would piss her off if Stud cheated on her, knowing they had a thing going on whether the club knew it or not.

Sex Piston casually turned her body so that she could face Stud and see what was going on behind her back. He was sitting on the bar stool, facing her with his eyes challenging. The fucker was giving her a silent ultimatum. Demie was standing between his thighs, her body, she sure, was rubbing up against his cock and the slut’s hand was rubbing his thigh. Her stupid cow eyes were looking up at him, begging him to fuck her.