“I’ll let you do mine,” Lily offered, finishing her lunch.

“No.” Shade’s dark sunglasses landed on Lily.

Lily turned to Shade with a stubborn look on her face. “If I want her to do my hair, then she can do my hair. You don’t tell me what to do.”

“You still wanting that summer job?” he asked in a soft voice. Sex Piston watched as Lily’s new found courage almost crumbled, but the girl didn’t break.

“Yes.” She stiffened in her chair, staring defiantly back at Shade.

“Then she doesn’t touch your hair,” Shade said. “It’s fine the way it is,” he supplied as an afterthought.

“She’s going to need someone to practice on and I was thinking of getting it cut anyway.” Damn, the meek woman had finally grown up and put her big girl panties on. Sex Piston was impressed; the heavily tatted biker was a hard ass.

“Then think again.” Shade’s hand went to hers on the table. Her delicate wrist wore no jewelry, but a red rubber band that the woman used to help with panic attacks. Placing his hand over her wrist, he turned more fully toward Lily, leaning into her space. He lifted his other hand to her black hair, twining a curl around his finger and pulling it taut.

“You want your hair cut? Don’t you know that men like long hair, especially cowboys? I, on the other hand, think short hair is sexy.”

Lily’s body leaned as far away from Shade as she could without falling out of her chair.

Sex Piston decided it was time to step in before Beth and Lily both stroked out. Sex Piston had been around Lily very little, but she liked the young girl.

“I kind of agree with Shade,” Sex Piston butted in. “Your hair is beautiful; leave it alone. It just needs a little trim. Stop by my shop during spring break and I’ll trim it for you.”


Sex Piston felt Shade’s eyes on her as he released Lily’s hair, letting it slide from between his fingertips. Lily’s long hair suited her perfectly, surrounding her face in a dark, shiny mass, but she could trim it so that it had more of a style.

“I can give you a new look, but not have to cut much off the length.” The girl needed to let Shade think he was getting his way while she still got what she wanted. Understanding dawned in Lily’s eyes.

“Do you think that you could introduce me to Pike while I’m in Jamestown?”

Shade stiffened in his seat. “Who’s Pike?” Shade’s satisfied look disappeared at Lily’s request.

“Someone that Sex Piston and Fat Louise know. They said he’s from Arizona,” Lily said, waiting for Sex Piston’s answer.

Fat Louise started to answer, but Sex Piston cut her off.

“I’m afraid you’re going to have to wait until you move to Arizona to meet a cowboy, Lily. Pike has a girlfriend and I don’t think she would appreciate me introducing him to you.” Sex Piston tried to keep the worry out of her voice at the tension coming from Beth and The Last Riders.

Killyama straightened from her relaxed position, redirecting Shades attention to her. “When you going to give me a ride on that bike of yours, Shade?”

Shade’s chair screeched as he slid it back from the table. “I’ll wait for you outside, Razer.”

Sex Piston watched as the furious biker left the restaurant after throwing a couple of bills down on the table.

“What ant crawled up his ass?” Crazy Bitch asked.

“Who gives a fuck? Rider, how about you?” Killyama asked, staring with grim intensity at the laid back biker. “I’ll even return the favor and give you a ride on mine.” The suggestive invitation left exactly what she was offering without question.

Rider looked like a deer caught in the headlights of a car. “I’m pretty busy at the factory.”

“I’m available anytime. Give me a call.” She leaned forward, her low-cut top showing the globes of her breasts.

“I think I’ll wait outside with Shade,” he said, hastily getting to his feet and also throwing down some money before hightailing it out of the restaurant.

All the women’s eyes turned to Razer. “I think I’ll head on back home.” Leaving his half uneaten meal, it was obvious the cowards were beating a hasty retreat. Razer pulled out his wallet, handing Beth the money to pay for her and Lily’s food.

“Don’t you want to treat us to lunch, too, Razer?” Sex Piston taunted just to piss him off. Razer pulled out another twenty, giving his wife a kiss before his escape.

“Don’t we get one of those, too, Razer? If you’re not up to the job, send Rider or Shade back in,” Crazy Bitch said.

Sex Piston had to put her hand over her mouth to keep from laughing at the look of horror that came over his face at Crazy Bitch’s comment before he turned on his heel, leaving his wife with a gleam of retribution in his eyes.