The kitchen door opened and her ma came in wearing her housecoat. “I’m sorry, girls. I overslept.”

Sizzle went to the counter and poured herself a cup of coffee before taking a seat at the table. Sex Piston fed the child another cooled bite before sliding the bowl in front of her ma.

“I have to go or I’m going to be late.” Taking a napkin, she cleaned Star’s mouth and then leaned down to brush butterfly kisses on her soft cheek, producing giggles from the little girl that had Sex Piston smiling before leaving the room. Her smile disappeared when she went to the table to get her purse and saw that Stud was still there talking with Skulls.

“Later, Pops.” Refusing to acknowledge the arrogant ass that was staring at her, she ignored the amusement in her pops eyes as he stared back and forth between the two.

“Later, Sex Piston,” Skulls replied.

She had the door opened and had almost managed to make it out the door before Stud opened his mouth. “Sex Piston, you left your cell phone at my place this morning. Your dad put it in your purse so you wouldn’t forget it again.”

Slamming the door behind her, she almost turned back, wanting to wipe that smug expression from Stud’s face, but dammit, she had dressed like a lady today and she was going to act like one, even if it fucking killed her.

* * *

Sex Piston motioned for Crazy Bitch to finish blowing out Mrs. Graver’s hair as her next appointment walked in the door.

“Ready, Allison?”

“Yes.” Allison Staff’s narrowed gaze ran over Sex Piston’s stylish red dress and heels as she followed her to the chair.

“What would you like done today?” Sex Piston was all professional as she consulted her nemesis from middle school.

“I need some highlights and a sexy style. Something that makes me look younger.” She again gave Sex Piston’s body a haughty perusal. “I have a date tonight,” she said with a smirk.

“That’s nice. Anyone I know?”

“I doubt it.”

Crazy Bitch opened her mouth, but Sex Piston gave her a sharp look that silenced her friend. Allison wasn’t acting any differently than she had acted since they had gone to school together. She had long ago learned to ignore the cruel jibes she sent her way.

Sex Piston ran her fingers through the woman’s dull looking hair, which was in desperate need of highlights to hide the mouse brown color. Sex Piston walked in front of the chair and leaned back against her workstation.

“How’s your daughter doing?”

Sex Piston’s change of subject had an irritated frown appearing on Allison’s overly made up face. She had wanted to brag about her upcoming date and then eventually drop the name of the man she was going out with tonight. Allison had always wanted attention, no matter how she accomplished her goal.


“I saw her the other day when I was picking up a friend’s kids from school. She takes after you, Allison. She was trying to beat the shit out of a kid that’s a couple of years younger than her.”

Her hand waved airily. “Girls are always having disagreements with each other. You know that, Sex Piston.”

“Yes, I do. And I know that if Brittany takes after you, then she’s a fucking bitch.” Sex Piston dropped her polite tone.

Allison stiffened in her chair, glaring at Sex Piston. “If Brittany was fighting with someone, then I’m sure she had a good reason.”

“I bet the reason has a dick that wouldn’t give her the time of day.”

Allison started to get out of the chair at Sex Piston’s insult then stopped, sitting back down. “Sex Piston, I’ll talk to her about her behavior. We were friends once, Norma. Maybe we could have lunch sometime, become friends again.” Allison’s sickeningly sweet voice was as fake as her tits.

“Allison, you can’t fix what’s already broken, you should know that. You were an ugly bitch when you were younger and you’re still an ugly bitch. Now you need to get your ass out of my chair and get the hell out of my shop before I take my scissors to that straw you call hair.”

“But I have a date tonight,” she argued, unbelieving that Sex Piston was throwing her out, “with the football coach from Treepoint.”

“Cut and Shop is up the block; I’m sure they have plenty of openings.” Sex Piston picked up her scissors.

Allison paled as she rose from the chair, turning toward the door.

“And you better tell Brittany that if she so much as looks at Keri and Meri, me and my crew are going to pay you a visit at Boutique Bags.”

Allison rushed to the door as Sex Piston took a step toward her with the scissors, brushing past Killyama, dressed in black leather. Allison gave a squeak of fear before rushing out of the salon.