He opened a door in the small hallway before going inside and turning on the light. Sex Piston managed to tear her lips away long enough to glance around the small room. There was a big bed covered in a comforter that was soft against her as he laid her down on it and then following her down to lie on top of her.

His hands went to the zipper between her breasts. The black leather parted as he slid the zipper down, exposing her braless, rose-tipped breasts and her flat stomach. His hand went directly to her pussy, which was covered by the small lace panties she wore.

Sex Piston parted her legs further, giving him access to the flesh that was begging for his touch. She gave a small moan when his fingers found her wet opening before sliding forwards, finding her clit. Taking the tender bud between two fingers, he separated the delicate folds until he could expose the sensitive nerves underneath. His thumb began stroking her until she lifted her hips, wanting a firmer touch.

“Woman, I’m going to give you what you want, but you’re not going to come before I can get my dick in you,” Stud moaned against her neck.

“Then you better hurry,” she threatened as his fingers went to the entrance of her pussy.

Sex Piston pressed against his chest until he fell backwards. Climbing off the bed, she peeled off her tight jumpsuit and black panties, exposing her bare pussy and the tiny butterfly tattoos on her side. She then climbed back on the bed, making sure she gave an extra wiggle of her ass before lying back down.

“You’ve got sixty seconds before I take matters into my own hands,” Sex Piston teased, letting her hand fall to her pelvis, tracing imaginary circles on her skin as she waited on him.

“Damn it.” Stud jerked up to his knees on the bed, unsnapping his jeans and pulling out his dick.

Sex Piston stared at his cock, surprised he hadn’t laughed at her when she had insulted it earlier. “I’m sorry,” she said as she watched him put on a condom he had removed from his back pocket.

Stud paused, staring down at her in confusion.

“For insulting your dick. It just might be as big as your ego,” Sex Piston complimented.

Stud laughed as he lowered himself back down to her, his fingers brushing her wet heat as he fitted his cock against her opening. His hand then spread her thighs wider.

His mouth circled the tip of her nipple, drawing the rosy nub into his mouth as his hips plunged into her pussy. Her scream of pain had him jerking his head up as he saw a tear slide down her cheek. He didn’t understand what his brain was trying to tell him. It was only when her hands pushed at his chest and she started struggling to get out from under him that it dawned on him what her problem was.

“You’re a virgin?” Disbelief at what his dick and Sex Piston’s reaction was telling him held him immobile.

“No… Yes… You fucking bastard, let me up.” Sex Piston thrashed, trying to get away from the knifing pain between her thighs.

“Calm down,” Stud snapped. “I’m pissed at myself for not preparing you better, regardless of you being a virgin or not.” His hands framed her face before one went to her thick hair to hold her in place. Then, his lips came down on hers, gently teasing her lips apart.

His kiss soothed her hurt feelings as his chest lowered to hers, surrounding her with his warmth as he pressed her firmly down into the mattress. He was trying to keep her thrashing body still before she caused herself more pain. Stud’s hand went between their bodies, gliding over her clit, swirling the flesh until the desire returned hotter than before, before his cock slowly slid forward another inch.

“Do you want me to stop?”

Sex Piston felt the bite of pain she had experienced fade away at his ministrations. She felt his dick stretching her passage slowly as he glided deeper within her. “No, but you better not hurt me again,” she demanded, hitting his shoulder.

Stud groaned as his mouth traced her delicate jawline. His groan echoed throughout Sex Piston’s body as she felt him begin a gentle thrusting that enabled her to enjoy the feel of him inside her. Her breath hitched in her throat as he lifted her thigh to his hip and then moved slightly to his side.

She gave herself to him as she had never been able to do for anyone else. She felt his eyes on her as his cock slid in and out of her pussy. She could see the heat in his turbulent eyes before his mouth returned to the tip of her breast, gently laving it until it hardened into a tight nub.