Cutting the motor, he got off the bike and then waited for her.

Sex Piston slowly got off the bike, calling herself every kind of an idiot as she followed him inside the darkened house.

“Where are your kids?”

“My aunt has them this weekend,” Stud answered.

Sex Piston looked around the sparsely furnished home. It had a couch that looked new with a dining room table that also seemed as if it had just been purchased. Actually, staring around the small room, everything seemed as if it was brand new. The home was small, but was clean and organized.

Stud went into the other room as Sex Piston followed slowly behind him. He turned the light on in the kitchen and then moved toward the refrigerator.


“Yeah,” she answered.

He pulled out a pack of hamburger meat before going to the cabinet and retrieving a frying pan. Sex Piston watched as he began preparing them a meal. While he fried the burgers, she went to the table and took a seat, enjoying the movements of his muscular body as he moved around the kitchen.

“How long have you been racing?” Sex Piston asked, no longer able to keep her curiosity at bay.

“Since I was fourteen. My dad raced bikes.” He shrugged as he flipped the burgers. “I went to all his races. I began racing as soon as I was old enough.”

“Does your dad still ride?”

“Not anymore.” Stud handed her a plate with her burger. Going to the refrigerator, he grabbed her a bottle of water and a beer for himself.

“Why don’t I get a beer?” Sex Piston asked, taking a bite of her burger.

“Because when I fuck you this time you’re going to be sober,” he said, looking her in the eyes.

Sex Piston almost choked on her food. Finally managing to swallow the bite of food, she took a drink of water while giving him a glare at the amusement he made no effort to hide.

“Very funny,” she snapped.

“I wasn’t joking,” he said before taking another bite of his burger.

“It’s not going to happen, Stud.”

“Why not?”

She opened her mouth to answer him, but he raised his hand before she could say something hateful. “And don’t lie and say you don’t want to because I know you do.”

“Dude, if your dick was as big as your ego, I’d fuck you. But since it’s not, I think I’ll pass.” Sex Piston smirked at her answer.

Stud lips twitched. “My dick is big enough to satisfy you.”

“Your dick gets too much action. I don’t fuck someone doing other bitches and don’t ever think that you can tell me what I want. Until you start wearing my panties, I think I’m the best judge of who I want to fuck.”

Stud shrugged. “Fine. I won’t fuck any other women. I’ll let you have until we’re done eating to make up your mind that you want to fuck me.”

Sex Piston was almost speechless. Almost. “You’re saying that you won’t fuck anyone else while we’re fuck buddies?”

He shook his head. “I don’t need another fuck buddy. I can have as many of those as I want. I’m talking about something different, Sex Piston, and you know it. I like you, and I want to spend some time with you. I’ve been trying to do that for a while, but you keep running back and forth between Ace and any other asshole you can find to put up with your shit.”

Sex Piston stiffened in her chair. “I don’t fuck assholes.”

She could tell that he wasn’t going to argue with her.

Sliding his chair back from the table, he took their empty plates to the sink before turning back to her. Leaning back against the counter, he crossed his arms across his chest. “Sex Piston, we could have a good thing if you gave it a chance.”

Sex Piston stared back at Stud, confused as to what to do. Usually it was an easy decision. She had never really felt sexually attracted to any man, but she felt a spark of desire for him. She admitted to herself that seeing him race that bike had her body primed. In the few years he had been friends with her pops she hadn’t really paid that much attention to Stud. She had been with Ace and busy building her clientele as a hairdresser. She had always noticed one thing about him that was a big negative for her, though.

“I don’t think you can keep your dick in your pants any more than my pops or Ace could.”

“I don’t like being compared to other men, Sex Piston.” Stud didn’t take his eyes off her, which kept the desire coursing through her. It was beginning to scream at her to do him.

Steeling herself against her weak body, she managed to get her girly parts back under the control of her mind. She shrugged her shoulders. “You’ve been married twice, Stud. Your record with women speaks for itself.”