When he received no encouragement, Stud quit talking for the remainder of the ride.

Pulling up in front of her house, Sex Piston grabbed the handle of the truck door about to jump out of the truck.

“Sex Piston.” She paused, looking back at him when she heard the serious tone in his voice. “Don’t go near The Last Riders again.”

She climbed out of the truck, slamming the truck door on his demand. She had no intention of going near The Last Riders again. She understood the warning in his voice that he was done giving her any more leeway. Trouble was going to lead to a confrontation she didn’t want. She just had to make it until he returned home then her life would return to normal. Again, she ignored the gut twisting that thought brought forward.

She was becoming a sappy mess. Her bitches would make fun of her if they knew the thought of Stud and his kids leaving bothered her. Still, when she let herself into her parents’ home and shut the door behind her, she couldn’t resist looking out the side window, watching his truck pull out of the driveway and drive away.

* * *

“Watch that motherfucker ride.” Killyama’s voice could be heard over the roar of the crowd as they watched the motorcycles race over the indoor track.

Sex Piston knew which rider she was complimenting. He was a newcomer none of them had seen before at the races. His lean body controlled the bike at a speed that had put him in the lead from the beginning. None of the other riders could keep up with the skill he was showing, cutting through the bikers as they traveled the course.

A biker hit the wall of the course, wrecking his bike with a flare of sparks. The biker they were admiring dodged both the biker and his machine in a maneuver that should have had him joining the fallen biker on the pavement, but he held his machine steady in a show of skill that Sex Piston hadn’t ever seen in all the times she had been going to the motorcycle races.

“I want me some of that,” Crazy Bitch cooed.

“Me, too,” Killyama said excitedly.

T.A. and Fat Louise were also hanging over the rails in the nosebleed section of the huge coliseum.

“Who is he? I haven’t seen him at any of the races before.” Sex Piston made no attempt to keep the admiration out of her voice.

“I don’t know, but I plan to find out,” Crazy Bitch yelled as the biker gained even more speed as two bikers tried to cut him off to slow him down. Making a move, he slid between the two bikers with barely room to spare.

“Damnnn,” Sex Piston said, grabbing Crazy Bitch by the arm. All five women yelled when he won the race easily. None of them cared their favorites had lost.

“He kicked some ass with that race,” Killyama said. “Why haven’t we seen him race before? Think he’s new?”

“Not riding the way he just did.” Sex Piston raised on her tiptoes, trying to get a better view of the biker.

An older man sitting next to them butted into their conversation. “That’s Wyatt Riggs. He quit racing about nine years ago. When I saw his name on the list of riders I couldn’t believe it. He won the championship cup two years in a row. No one could touch him. He even competed in other countries and won.”

“Why did he quit if he was such hot shit?” Killyama asked.

“No one knows. He just quit competing.” The man shrugged.

A voice came over the loud speakers as the winners were announced.

“Let’s go lower. I want to see what this dude looks like,” Crazy Bitch said.

The women turned, heading down the steps and the exit from their area. It took them several minutes to get down to the lower floor where the guard blocked the entrance, but T.A. grabbed his attention while the others slid by him. They were still at the back of the crowd, but at least now the women had a view of what was going on; the huge monitors more easily seen, not the blur they were before.

“Next time we’re getting better seats,” Sex Piston muttered, frustrated they couldn’t get any closer.

The riders were called to collect their trophies. The women ignored their previous favorites, waiting anxiously for Riggs’s name to be called. Finally, his name was announced and the crowd went crazy.

Sex Piston’s breath caught in her throat and she was sure her eyes were deceiving her at the man who walked forward to claim his trophy. A woman wearing red booty shorts and a Harley t-shirt handed him his trophy then kissed him full on the mouth, treating the huge crowd to the voracious kiss.

“Is that who I think it is…?” Crazy Bitch asked.