“Just a minute,” Viper said, preventing Sex Piston from getting away.

As Stud reached the top of the stairs, seeing Viper holding Sex Piston seemed to piss the biker off even more.

“Let her go, Viper.”

“My pleasure.” Viper let Sex Piston’s arm go, and before Sex Piston could move, Stud had her.

“Let me go,” she said, trying to twist free.

“Pike.” Stud turned as another Blue Horseman came up the steps. “Take her to the truck.” Sex Piston tried to struggle away, but found herself tossed over the big man’s shoulder.

Stud turned back to the rest of Sex Piston’s crew. She heard his smartass remark as she was carried out the door. “Now, you can go with her or be carried away, which is it going to be?”

Chapter Seven

“You son of a bitch let me go!” Sex Piston pounded on the truck window. Pike ignored her as he leaned on the door from the outside, preventing her from getting out. Bear leaned against the other door. Sex Piston knew it would be even more useless to try with that giant leaning against it.

“Fuck!” Sex Piston kicked the dashboard with the heel of her boot.

The truck door opened then and Stud slid into the seat. Putting the key in the ignition, he turned the truck on.

“Let me out!” Sex Piston screamed at him.

“No.” Stud remained calm in the face of her fury, which pissed her off even more.

“How did you even know where we were?”

“Fat Louise.”

Sex Piston should have known better than to trust her. She would cave the first time anyone questioned her about where they were.

“We were only helping Diamond out with Knox,” Sex Piston explained, trying to calm herself down.

“I don’t give a fuck why you were there. You’ve belonged to the Destructors long enough to know that you don’t go into another MC.”

“To party. We went to help my sister. There is a difference. She’s in love with the asshole,” Sex Piston argued.

“What Diamond does is her own business. She doesn’t belong to me, you do.” His clenched jaw showed the fury he was trying to keep in check.

Sex Piston’s mouth dropped open. “I don’t belong to you. I’m not one of your bitches.”

“Do you belong to the Destructors?” Stud questioned her loyalty.

Sex Piston snapped her mouth closed. The Destructors Club wasn’t the same as when Skulls ran it, but she wasn’t ready to walk away from it or her lifelong friends.

“Yes,” Sex Piston admitted.

“Then you belong to me. Let’s get something straight right now, Sex Piston. I’ve allowed you and your crew leeway because of your dad, but you keep getting in my face, disrespecting me in front of my brothers, I will cut you loose, regardless of my friendship with him. He wouldn’t expect me to put up with the bullshit you have been throwing my way since I’ve taken over.

“I’m giving you warning. I’ve had enough and I’m not going to put up with it anymore.” He had never used that tone of voice on her before. It was cold and harsh, leaving no doubt that he would follow through with his warning.

Sex Piston started to snap back at him, but she had to admit he had a point. She had challenged his authority since he had taken over and he couldn’t lead the Destructors if he allowed himself to be constantly humiliated by the women. He had actually given them more of a chance than anyone else would have in the same situation.

“I’ll cool it with the attitude at the club.” Sex Piston turned away, looking out the window.

“That would be a help,” Stud said, trying to keep the amusement out of his voice.

Sex Piston cast him a sharp glance before looking away again as he no longer tried to hide his attraction to her. He was letting her know that he intended to have her when his gaze lowered to her top that had been ripped in her fight with Evie before catching her eyes with his. Sex Piston saw the steely determination that replaced the amusement on his face.

Wanting to tell him to go fuck himself, Sex Piston bit back the words as she tried to remain calm and get herself under control. Her temper had never been her strongest trait.

“I wanted to thank you for helping out with my kids.” He changed the subject, loosening the sexual tension in the cab of the truck.

“I haven’t done shit.”

Stud cast her a curious look when she denied her involvement with his kids.

“It shouldn’t be for much longer. As soon as the Destructors settle down, I’ll leave Bear in charge then head back home.”

Sex Piston felt a twist in her gut at his words. She wasn’t about to admit she would miss his hellions.

“They have gotten attached to you,” Stud probed.

Sex Piston remained quiet, not about to go there.