“Diamond, go after Knox, make him talk to you.” Her father looked at her with watery eyes.

“But you loved mom, Knox doesn’t even care about me.”

“He ever give you a nickname? Even when you were messing around?” Her father turned red at his question.


“Not once?” he pressed.

“No, he always called me Diamond.”

“Do you know why we called you Diamond?” her pops asked Diamond, his voice gruff.


“Because the second we saw you, we knew you were going to be the most precious thing in the world to us. Our precious jewel, our little Diamond.”

Sex Piston was wondering why they couldn’t have thought of something like that when they named her fucking Norma.

Diamond burst into tears, her arms going around her father, making Sex Piston feel guilty about being jealous over a name. Even though it was a freaking ugly name.

“If Knox hasn’t called you anything else, then he knows what he’s got, probably just too stubborn to admit it. Go talk to him, sweetheart.”

“Maybe I’ll go see him tomorrow,” Diamond prevaricated, like she always did.

“Fuck that. Get off your ass, I’ll take you.” Diamond stood up, seeing her mother and sister behind the swing when Sex Piston couldn’t stay silent any longer.

“Go ahead, Diamond. What have you got to lose?” her pops urged Diamond.

“My dignity?”

“Dignity isn’t going to keep your ass warm tonight, move it.” Sex Piston took Diamond’s hand, dragging her inside the house. They were almost out the door when Sex Piston changed her mind and turned toward her bedroom.

“You can’t go on a manhunt wearing that shit you got on.” She went to her closet and pulled out a pair of jeans and jerked a top off the hanger. “Get dressed.”

Diamond was wearing the dark blue suit she’d obviously been in all day, and for once, she agreed with her without an argument. Her sister put on the jeans and pulled on the top. Diamond’s breasts were larger than hers and the top was low cut. The globes of her breasts were displayed to their best advantage.

“Do you have another top I could borrow? This one is too tight.” Sex Piston watched Diamond look at herself in her mirror. The top looked great on her. Knox wasn’t going to resist a woman who had tits like hers.

Sex Piston closed the closet door with a pair of high-heeled boots in her hand. She handed them to Diamond. “Put them on, and no I don’t have a bigger top. That’s the largest one I have,” she lied.

Diamond sat down on the side of the bed, putting the boots on. When she was done Sex Piston pushed her down at her dressing table and took down her hair, styling the thick mass until it was curled and fluffy.

“Now you’re done. Let’s go.”

“Sex Piston, I think I’m going to wait until I’ve thought this over a little more.”

“Think over what?” Crazy Bitch asked, coming out of the kitchen with Killyama and T.A.

“Damn, I forgot we were supposed to watch Stud’s kids tonight while they had their meeting,” Sex Piston said, coming to a halt.

“Stud has kids?” Diamond asked.

“Yeah, three kids from hell. Is Fat Louise here?” Sex Piston asked, thinking fast, not wanting Diamond to volunteer to babysit anytime soon. Her movie choices would give the girls nightmares

“She’s in the kitchen,” Crazy Bitch answered.

“Fat Louise!” Sex Piston yelled. Fat Louise came out of the kitchen, eating a Pop Tart.

“You go on to the club and watch Stud’s kids; we have somewhere we’ve got to go.”

“I ain’t watching those monsters by myself,” Fat Louise argued back.

“If you do it, I’ll take you out to dinner, anywhere you want to go.”


Sex Piston hesitated. “Yes.”

“Even Popeye’s?” Fat Louise’s eyes lit up.

“Yes. We are going to The Last Riders’ clubhouse to get Knox for Diamond.”

“Why?” Fat Louise asked, confused. “We don’t like that asshole.”

“We don’t, but Diamond’s in love with the motherfucker, and what she wants, she’s going to get,” Sex Piston said resolutely. “Let’s go; time’s a-wastin’. It’s Friday night at that club; things will be getting freaky there.”

Diamond tried to interrupt Sex Piston, but Crazy Bitch dragged her to their car.

“My keys are in the house,” Diamond said.

“They can stay there; we’re taking my car.” Killyama opened the back door and shoved Diamond into the back seat.

“Scoot your ass over,” Killyama said, sliding in next to her.

Crazy Bitch got in the front seat with Sex Piston and T.A. grabbed the last seat, sliding in next to Diamond in the back.

Sex Piston put the car in gear, accelerating with a squeal of her tires. Driving like a bat out of hell, she drove toward Treepoint.

Diamond attempted to get Sex Piston to turn around, but her chicken-shit sister, for once, was going to face life head on, even if was a bald-headed bastard she personally couldn’t stand.