“Having trouble hearing her?” Killyama asked, taking a step forward. Pike, one of the Blue Horsemen that had come from West Virginia with Stud, stepped forward, blocking her from interfering and then moving her away with an arm around her waist.

“You having a problem with Pike? Because she’s going to kick his ass,” Sex Piston murmured as Stud’s lips trailed to the back of her neck. She shivered at the sensations he was arousing in her.

Crazy Bitch kept dancing, waiting for Sex Piston to make up her mind. She had confidence her friend was more than able to handle Stud.

When his fingers spread across her abdomen, his thumb brushed against her tightened nipple. She jerked herself out of his hold, moving to Crazy Bitch’s side, placing her between Stud and herself.

His eyes burned into her, daring her to come back to him. “Scared, Sex Piston?” he taunted her.

Those were fighting words to her. “I’m not afraid of fucking you, Stud. Just did it once, and can’t remember shit about it, so you’re not worth doing again.”

“I don’t mind refreshing your memory,” Stud offered.

“You remind me of my sister. She believes in zombies, and you actually believe I would let you touch me sober.” Sex Piston started dancing again with Crazy Bitch, deliberately making her moves seductive, teasing him with what he couldn’t have again.

Stud’s eyes narrowed on her swaying body as Pike crashed to the floor behind Sex Piston, holding his crotch. Sex Piston didn’t have to turn around to know exactly what her girl had done. Killyama returned to her side, throwing Stud a triumphant smile.

Sex Piston looked at the crowded club. Seeing Oz, she gave him a luring smile in which he immediately responded to, joining her on the dance floor. Sex Piston began dancing with him, grinding herself against his leg which had slid between hers.

Stud gave her a grim promise, “The next time I fuck you, you’ll be sober and begging me.”

“Go fuck those bitches that are waiting for you at the bar and leave me the hell alone.” Sex Piston swayed, giving him her back.

Stud left the dance floor angrily.

Sex Piston took a quick peek over her shoulder, but quickly looked away when she saw the grim determination on his face. Her stomach clenched in fear. Stud was no Ace; he was letting her know he wasn’t retreating. He was merely waiting until she didn’t have all her crew as protection.

She didn’t need their protection; she was more than able to handle the horndog without their help. She would just stick to her plan to avoid him. It had worked for the last couple of months. Christmas had been dicey because her parents had invited him over to their house several times. Besides that time she had always managed to disappear when he had come over with his kids in tow.

She hadn’t been able to resist buying his kids several toys for Christmas, managing to convince her mother to tell them she was the one to purchase them.

Her ma was still attempting to baby-sit, but Fat Louise had actually taken over the role until Sex Piston got off work in the afternoon. She had drawn closer to the older girls, unable to remain aloof, their attitudes not bothering her.

She was fully cognizant of the fact she had one weakness in her armor, and it was freaking kids. She loved kids. She loved the quick affection they bestowed, the curiosity in their eyes, and that they provided an outlet for her softer side, which she had buried deep.

Star was easily the most open of the three, but that was because she was so young. Meri and Keri were another matter. Meri and her had become bff’s, but Keri was more quiet and sullen, disliking her. Although, Sex Piston noticed that Keri treated everyone that way, even her father.

Sex Piston actually liked the little girl thinking she was above average in her intelligence and her wit. She was able to give smartass come backs, which Sex Piston could appreciate. When she thought no one was looking, Sex Piston saw a deep sadness in her eyes, which had her wanting the girl to confide in her.

She squashed those warm and fuzzy feelings down, though, seeing the threatening glare from the girls’ father from across the room.

“Let’s go to my place,” Killyama said.

“Sounds good,” Sex Piston responded, taking Oz by the hand.

Her crew followed with their respective pickups.

Going out the door, Sex Piston felt Stud’s anger as he realized Oz was leaving with her.

“He looks pissed,” Crazy Bitch warned her friend.

“Good,” Sex Piston said, unconcerned, as Oz’s arm slid across her shoulders. Restraining herself from shrugging it away, she waited until the door closed behind them before doing just that.

Climbing into the passenger seat of the car, she was aware of the four bikers preparing to follow them back to Killyama’s house. She leaned her head back against the headrest and then turned her head to look outside the car window, realizing for the first time she was getting tired of the partying, wanting to go home and go to bed instead. A sigh escaped her.