But this was something special.

This was our first morning together. Really together. As a couple. And it was a prime opportunity for me to explore her hot little body at my leisure.

The view wasn’t too bad, either.

If we took care of business now, there was a slight chance I wouldn’t be a horny goat the entire fucking day.

A slim chance, but that was better than nothing.

I hurried down the stairs to grab my girl. She had put on my T-shirt over her borrowed skirt. I watched her tug the mini-skirt down nervously and chuckled at her modesty.

“That ship has sailed, sweetheart.”

She blushed, and I scooped her up into my arms, carrying her up the wide steps. I set her on the blanket in her bare feet. My God, she looked adorable in the soft morning light. All soft with sleep and relaxed from a night of making love. It hadn’t been nearly enough for me. I’d wanted to stay up all night taking her over and over again. But we had time. We were just starting our lives together.

And from now on, I intended to have her in my bed, or vise versa.

I prayed fervently that it was the first of many nights. I wanted her with me every night. Every single night for the rest of our lives.

I took her hand and helped her sit down. I handed her a bottle of water.

“I thought we could get coffee and breakfast at Mae’s.”


“Just the best damned diner in the state of California,” I said, leaning back on my elbows to watch her. “Kaylie, Sally, and Becks used to work there. Mae is Becky’s Aunt.”

“Oh. That would be great,” she said primly, taking a sip of the water before screwing the cap back on carefully. I laughed and tugged her down to the blanket, rolling my body over hers. She wiggled a little and looked up at me.

“How is that sweet pussy of yours? Sore?”

She flushed, adorably flustered by the question.

“Just a little.”

“Hmm . . . well, lie back and let me have a look.”

She didn’t object as I slid that sexy denim skirt up and over her hips. I couldn’t wait long enough to remove it properly. I growled as her lace panties came into view. The plain ones she usually wore were sexy enough.

“No more lace,” I ordered her. “Unless you want me to have a heart attack.”

She giggled, and I hid a smile, gripped her panties, and pulled them down her legs. The sky was just starting to lighten. I could see her.

My girl’s pussy was pink and pretty. But a little bit too pink. I’d been hard on her. I groaned, realizing that I was going to get a double breakfast but no relief. Not until tonight, at the earliest. Tomorrow would probably be safer, but I doubted I could hold back that long.

“I think I’ll just have a taste. Is that all right, Melissa?”

“Oh. Yes. I mean, yes, please.”

I could not stop smiling at her choice of words as I leaned down to run my tongue up and down her soft pussy lips. She let out a soft moan and I moaned. I fucking loved the sexy little noises she made when I made her feel good. Making Melissa moan was like an instant reward. I was making the best person in the world feel good. It fucking rocked.

Her scent was delicious. Warm and spicy and sweet. Her skin was slippery and smooth underneath my mouth and hands.

Fuck me.

My dick was bursting out of my goddamned jeans as the sun started to rise. I heard birds start to sing as my woman let out a series of high-pitched yelps that let me know she was coming.

Never mind the fact that my face felt like the happiest goddamned glazed donut in the entire fucking world.

I wrung every single drop I could from Melissa’s quivering pussy using my tongue inside her and my fingers on her clit. I wanted her to feel good today. I didn’t want to give her a second to have any regrets.

And I was definitely getting her something delicious for breakfast. After all, it was only fair after the sweet treat she’d just given me.

I finally lifted my head and looked down at her. She was watching the sunrise through dazed eyes. She smiled at me shyly and I knew in that moment that everything would be all right.

“Do you want me to . . . ?”

“No. God, I mean, I do, but let’s get you some real breakfast. You haven’t eaten since the barbecue. How do Belgian waffles sound?”

“Are you sure? That doesn’t seem fair.”

“It is more than fair, sweetheart. There’s time for everything else later. Okay?”

She nodded happily, and I pulled her against me, holding her close as we watched the sun climb above the horizon. The colors were spectacular. I loved being with her like this, even though I was hard and unsatisfied. But just being with her was enough. We didn’t need to talk.