“Have you ever given head?” Janet asked her point blank. “Oral sex? A BJ?”

“No. I . . . haven’t done that.” Melissa shook her head, looking horrified. “But he has. With me, I mean,” she added.

“Good man,” Janet said approvingly. “Just do what he did, with a little more . . . sucking a lollipop action. Whatever you think would feel nice, probably will.”

“He’s so big, though. How?”

“Oh, he is, is he?” Becky said with a chortle. “Not surprised. You don’t have to get the whole thing in your mouth, though. The tip is the most important part. Use your hands on the rest of it. But make sure they are wet.”

“Okay. I can do that,” Melissa said, looking slightly more relieved. “He’ll like that?”

“Trust us, honey, ‘like’ is the wrong word.” Suzannah snickered.

"Oh, shit. Here he comes," Sally said in a stage whisper.

We all turned toward the clubhouse, and sure enough, there he was, Nick with all our boys backing him up. The man looked like he was on a mission. He had a beer in his hand. His other hand held another tropical drink with a little umbrella for Melissa.

"Here we go, Ladies. Anyone want to take bets on how long he lasts?"

"Janet, be nice," Kaylie admonished. But she was giggling. We all were.

“Tonight or leaving the party?” I asked her. “We all know he won’t last long once they get going,” I wagered.


Money did not change hands, but we made a few handshake bets. Just for bragging rights. Melissa was blushing prettily the whole time.

Nick stood in front of Melissa where she sat on top of a picnic table, her legs primly held close together. He handed her the drink and cleared his throat.

“You look . . .” he trailed off, not saying anything. He just stared at her. I was honestly convinced that I saw a little bit of drool. I felt almost bad for him at that moment. The man was clearly out of his element.

Bless her, Melissa straightened her spine and gave him an arch look. You would never know she had been moping a few minutes before. She had sass, that was for sure.

“I look what?” she asked, tossing her hair over one shoulder.


“Wow, Nick, you really know how to flatter a girl.”

We all scooted away a little, but not far enough not to eavesdrop. We didn’t want to miss a second of this. He leaned in, bracing his hands on either side of her.

“You look like a supermodel. A wet dream. My worst nightmare. You look beautiful all the time, but whatever this outfit is, it has taken the choice out of my hands. You made your point. You aren’t a little girl anymore. You’re a woman. You are my woman, and I will be proving that to you tonight.”

Melissa’s mouth opened in surprise as he stood up and took a casual swig of his beer. Then he looked at her, sitting there with her plate on her lap.

“Go ahead and eat. You’re going to need your strength,” he said. All our jaws dropped. Nick meant business. But true to his word, he waited patiently while Melissa ate her plate of barbecue. He told her to get more and we all started howling.

“Well, Janet, do you think it worked?” I asked my gorgeous redheaded friend.

“Oh, hells yes, honey. I think our work here is done.”

We clinked our drinks together in celebration.

Chapter Thirty-Six


“Holy shit,” I said with a low whistle of admiration.

My wife was a gorgeous, sexy, hot, conniving little witch. I watched her watching Nick while Nick watched Melissa eat. He looked like a wolf, making sure Little Red Riding Hood got nice and plump before pouncing on her.

We were all kind of standing around not saying much. Just watching the show. Nick sipped his beer, looking outwardly calm. Until you noticed his hand. He was white-knuckling that beer. I was halfway afraid he was going to accidentally shatter the glass.

He barely moved, just watching the girl eat. She looked a little nervous. I knew Nick would never hurt a female, let alone one he was obviously smitten with. But she did have a long night ahead of her.

“That poor girl,” Kaylie said.

“She won’t be able to sit down tomorrow,” Janet predicted with a snicker.

“You women are evil,” Callaway said, shaking his head. But he had a look of admiration in his eyes identical to my own.

Everything happened fast. It was a split second after Melissa put her plate down. Nick handed her a drink, threw out her paper plate, waited for her to finish drinking, and then bam, he lifted her up and kissed her. He kissed the hell out of her. Everyone started hooting and hollering. He was grinning when he lifted his head.

He set the stunned girl on her feet, grabbed her hand, and said, “Let’s go.”