I gave Molly a look that promised retribution. But she just giggled and toasted me with a fruity looking drink. I sighed, knowing that I was going to have to wait to take her home and have my way with her. It was going to be a long afternoon and an even longer night.

Tonight, Nick wasn’t the only one being tied up in knots.

Chapter Thirty-Four


I must've stood there for a good five minutes. Longer. It felt like a split second, though.

My entire world was rocked. The only time I’d felt anything similar was the first time I saw Melissa when she’d first gotten home from college. I could barely think. But my body was talking. Hell, it was screaming.

This felt like that. But worse. Way, way worse.

I forced myself to move, walking toward the vision I saw at the bar. It was like a magnet was pulling me forward. I could only go in one direction. Toward her.

It was Melissa, but it was also . . . not.

Gone was any trace of a little girl I'd been so protective of. Gone was any trace of shyness. The woman who stood in front of me was confident, luscious, and over the top sexy.

Really, really over the top sexy.

With her figure unabashedly on display, subtle makeup, and her gorgeous hair tumbling over her shoulders, Melissa looked like she had stepped out of a music video or hair commercial. Never mind the crazily hot outfit she was wearing.

The way she looked wasn't just fucking with my head. It was fucking melting it.

I wasn't sure if I should throw her over my shoulder and carry her away or throw her over my knee for another spanking. Lord knows, she deserved one for tempting me this way. Either way, it was obvious that it was going to end with her in my bed. With her underneath me, screaming my name.

But I was trapped. Having her was something I needed to happen now but couldn’t actually do. I could not fuck the girl of my dreams’s brains out in the middle of the club. I needed time. I needed privacy. I needed to get a goddamned grip on myself.

I bellied up the to the bar, right next to Melissa. I did my best not to look at her. But I wanted everyone in this fucking place to know that she was mine. I was just starting to realize that she was in danger of being swarmed by horny bikers.

The girl was worse than catnip!

"You need a drink, Nick?"

I shook my head at Drake, barely noticing that the bastard was smirking at me. I very well fucking did need a drink, but I didn't want to numb myself out. I wanted to feel everything. I also couldn't risk losing even a sliver of control.

Not when I was taking her virginity tonight. It was a done deal. The moment she’d pulled on that mini-skirt, it was over. I had some very serious pipe to lay on a very tender, very precious road.

"What are you trying to do to me, Melissa?” I ground out. It wasn't even really a question. I honestly felt like she was trying to torture me on some level. How had such a sweet girl turned into a hard-hearted boner factory?

She didn't say a word. But I could feel her posture straighten beside me. She took a long drink of whatever fruity cocktail she was drinking.

"Nothing, Nick. I'm not trying to do anything,” she said with a definite chill.

Fuck. She sounded upset. Had I done that to her by making us both wait? Had I pushed her too far? I had been so sure I was doing the right thing, even though it had been slowly killing me.


"Excuse me. I think I'm going to get some barbecue with the girls."

Once again, I was shocked into complete silence. I turned to watch her walk away. She was poetry in motion in that mini-skirt with the bustier hugging her curvaceous back. Every head in the place turned to watch her go.

The girls fell into line behind her like an honor guard.

It was hard not to notice that a couple of them had given me dirty looks.

"What is happening? Why is she doing this to me?"

"Not a clue, my friend,” Drake said with a grin. "But it's entertaining as fuck. Are you sure she's not up for grabs? She sure is a tasty treat."

I gave him a look that promised impending violence. Drake had his hands up and backed away. He was lucky as fuck that the bar was between us. But my torture was far from over. Jersey Mike whistled low.

"That is one sweet looking peach."

I couldn't help it. My fist connected to his jaw before he even had a clue what was happening. I hit him again and he went down. I wasn’t done, though. I fell forward, punching the smug look off his damned face. The guys had to break it up. It took Jack and Moose to actually pull me off him. When I came up, Drake was laughing and Dev was shaking his head.