“Girls,” she said as we strode back into the living room, triumphantly holding the bustier aloft. “We have liftoff.”

I giggled at the shocked look on Melissa’s face. Her jaw dropped. But she stayed in her seat when Sally told her not to move an inch. It was best to listen to Sally when she was wielding blazing hot beauty tools.

“What should she wear with it?” Angel mused. “Jeans?”

“Too hard to get off,” Janet concluded practically. “We need something short enough so he can shove it up to her waist.”

“Oh, dear Lord,” Melissa said, sounding terrified. “He would never do that. And there is no way I can pull that off.”

“Oh, but he will, and you most definitely can,” Janet said with an evil cackle. “You’ll thank us for this tomorrow.”

“If she can even walk,” Sally joked. Melissa turned white. “I’m just teasing, honey. I’m sure Nick will be gentle.”

“Maybe the first time,” Suzannah teased with a chortle.

“I have a denim and lace skirt that should work. Casual and short but not micro. Room for those sexy hips,” she sang out as she ran from the room.

Melissa buried her face in her hands before Sally slapped them playfully away.

“No time for nerves, sweetheart. We’re getting you ready for battle. Time to do your makeup!”

I helped Janet cut off the tags on the lingerie we had bought just for tonight. Lace panties and a matching bra. Thankfully, you could take the straps off to make it work under the bustier, although some of us were in favor of skipping it altogether. Janet argued that giving him more to take off her was ideal. Angel picked out a pair of high-heeled booties. We all waited nervously as Melissa slipped into the bathroom to change. A few minutes later, we were all stunned into silence.

Melissa was a very pretty girl. We knew that already. We had not been expecting . . . supermodel-level hotness. With her newly cut hair in waves, a bit of makeup, and the sexy clothes, Melissa was definitely going to get Nick’s attention, as well as every unspoken-for man in the vicinity.

She looked ridiculously sexy but in a sweet, good-girl-ready-to-be-ravaged kind of way. The men were going to lose their shit. Especially Nick. He definitely would not like the way the other boys would be looking at his woman.

She was a sexpot, plain and simple.

Hell, they might be able to see her cleavage from outer space.

Janet started laughing, her head tipped back with absolute glee. The rest of us soon joined in. Poor Melissa looked horrified.

“Is it . . . okay?”

“Oh, honey, it’s more than okay. This is going to be an epic takedown,” Janet said between guffaws. “Nick doesn’t stand a chance.”

Chapter Thirty-Three


“Nice ride,” I said, watching Nick load his new SUV with supplies for the barbecue. We were both on four wheels today, instead of two. We had ladies to drive home and shit to bring to the clubhouse. “The girls are meeting us there, right?”

“Yeah, they really took a shine to Melissa. I think Sally picked most of the girls up.”

“Uh-huh,” I said mildly, but I knew the girls were up to something. I’d seen my woman packing up some beauty supplies. She didn’t use much and rarely wore makeup, but it looked like she had put every damn thing she had into a rolling suitcase. She’d also been suspiciously cheerful when she waved goodbye.

My wife was always sweet and optimistic, but as a new mother, she didn’t get a lot of sleep these days. She took a nap with the baby most afternoons and chugged coffee like nobody’s business on the days she had class. I did my best to support her, but since she had been breastfeeding until recently, there were a couple of things I just couldn’t help with.

I didn’t have luscious jugs with which to feed our baby, for example.

I was wondering if she would have a couple of drinks tonight after so long breastfeeding. She wouldn’t even have to pump and dump. It always made her extra frisky. And I’d been thinking up a few new creative moves to try. I could hardly wait to get her home tonight either way. The baby was at Donnie’s mother’s house with a bunch of the kids for the night. So, naughty adult playtime was definitely on the agenda.

My phone pinged. It was Drake.

Get Nick here. Now.


Yeah, but he’ll like this kind of trouble. Kind of.

Uh, okay, Drake, I thought with an internal eye roll. Thanks for clearing that up. Drake was a jokester and major shit-talker, like Lucky. Although no one in the club was as big a pain in the ass as Lucky, except maybe Jersey Mike. Lucky was even more in your face than either of them, though. Before he met Angel, anyway. Now he was practically a saint.