There was nothing like a beautiful, innocent girl to make the guys go nuts. Especially since she was new to the club. They were used to us wives and the club girls who hung around. But Melissa was in a different category altogether.

Nick would have no choice but to step in and protect his woman. Claim her. She didn’t know all the details, and definitely not about that part of the plan. The girl was way too modest to realize the effect she had on men. That was Janet and me putting our diabolical heads together. Out of everyone, we were the most willing to crack skulls and take names. I knew Melissa didn’t want to upset Nick, but her man was being a dunderhead and we were ready to step in.

Nick was a goner and he didn’t even know it yet.

When Melissa had come to Kaylie asking for advice on getting Nick to take her to bed, she had set off a furious round of texting, phone calls, and secret meetings. We had her back, and then some. We were also looking forward to watching Nick crumble like a block of blue cheese.

God, I love cheese, I thought as my stomach rumbled. I was always hungry these days. I pushed the thought aside and rolled up my sleeves. There would be time to stuff my face later, in between watching the fireworks.

Melissa had asked for help and we were ready to give it to her. All we had to do was help her tip Nick over the edge. She had Mother Nature on her side, but the man was digging his heels in. The girls and I had been chuckling about the situation all week.

Apparently, Nick was flat out refusing to have sex with Melissa. She had turned bright red and stammered when she told Kaylie that. Nick was doing it out of respect for her loss and trying to give her a mourning period. But it was almost four weeks now and she was getting antsy. She’d told him she was ready. He just didn’t believe her.

So today, we were taking matters into our own hands. Melissa was over at our house. The girls were all here, too. We’d chosen my place because Whiskey was at Jack’s in the massive garage the guys all used for woodworking. Plus, out of everyone, my figure was the closest to Melissa’s. We were both super curvy girls who weren’t exactly tall.

Poor Nick had no idea what was about to hit him.

Sally was playing with the long strands of Melissa’s wet hair, giving her a quick trim with her professional sheers and reshaping it around her face. She was the best of all of us at doing hair, by far. If she hadn’t had a successful career as a singer-songwriter, she would have been an amazing hairdresser. As it was, we had our own personal stylist on hand for events. She said it was all those years of maintaining her hair on the road between gigs. She didn’t talk a lot about those years, but when she did, it was always tinged with sadness.

As much as she loved performing, she had been suffering horribly all the time. She didn’t tour extensively anymore, but she still recorded music and performed around the country. Now, she could sing and go home to her loving husband and kids. It was the best of both worlds.

Kaylie was supervising from across the living room with her feet up and her hands resting on her huge belly. Janet and Molly were raiding my closet. Suzannah was making us all cocktails (and mocktails) and Angel was unpacking super sexy shoes and makeup from her days working in an illegal casino for the Margarelli brothers.

We had Melissa covered. More than covered. We had her uncovered, I thought with a giggle.

We were going to kill this.

Chapter Thirty-Two


“Jeans? Or a dress?”

“He’s seen her in jeans. We need to shock him into action,” Janet countered. “Mini-skirt?”

“Becks mostly wears 1950’s cut dresses. Melissa would look super cute in one of those,” I offered, tilting my head to the side.

“Hmm, yeah. That would blow his mind. But we need him to be utterly helpless.” She flipped through the closet and then grinned. “This should do it.”

She held out a white eyelet bustier. It was super feminine, flirty, and yet almost proper. And it was clearly made for a curvy girl. It would look good with jeans or a cute skirt. Actually, I thought it might be too much skin with a skirt if it was too short. Of course, not all the girls were as modest as I was.

And Janet was right. This was a special occasion. We needed to make sure Nick completely lost control. He had to be smacked in the face with his repressed desire for Melissa. Or her boobs, anyway.