"I like to read. And I'm trying to learn how to bake."

"Nick said you make great muffins," Kaylie said with a wink.

"He said that?" I asked, a blush warming my cheeks. He really had talked about me. I was surprised and flattered. That was . . . interesting. I got that familiar feeling of butterflies that he seemed to always create.

"Yes, he did. You know, he's never brought a girl to any of these before,” she said conspiratorially.

Now I really was shocked.

"But . . . he's gorgeous. He must have girls crawling all over him. Objectively, I mean,” I added hastily.

“Objectively? So you mean you never noticed that he looks like a model?”

“Of course, I noticed,” I said quietly. I was getting nervous. Had Nick told them I drooled all over him? Maybe he was trying to help me make a few friends so I would leave him alone? “Oh, God, please don’t tell him I said that.”

My admission earned me a really bright smile. In fact, they were all grinning at me.

“We would never tell,” Suzannah said, patting my knee. “We girls have to stick together.”

"Nick doesn't really date,” Kaylie added. “He's not a player like some of the younger guys. Well, not anymore."

Oh, my God. Something was definitely happening. She’d said date. Maybe I really was on a date. Suddenly, I couldn't stop smiling. I was pretty sure I looked like a crazy lady.

"You didn't know you were on a date, did you?"

I shook my head quickly, trying to cool down my face. I knew my cheeks were bright red.

"I hoped, but I didn't know. I thought he felt sorry for me. Because I have no social life," I added, trying to downplay that my world was absolutely flipped upside down.

"You really didn't know he liked you?" Janet asked with raised, perfectly shaped eyebrows.

"I guess I knew he liked me, but I wasn’t sure in what way he liked me, if that makes sense. We are friends. I don't know a lot about dating,” I finally admitted.

“Oh, honey, you've come to the right place,” Becky joked.

“You are so pretty! You really don’t go out with anyone?” Molly asked incredulously.

I shook my head.

“No. I really don’t know anything about men.”

“Don’t worry. We can help in that department,” a gorgeous blonde named Sally said with a wink. “They’re pretty simple creatures.”

I exhaled and smiled.

“Thank you. I could use any, um, tips.”

"Interesting," the leggy redhead said with a regal air. "I like you. I definitely approve."

The other girls started laughing as my cheeks got even redder.

"We all do. Right, girls?" Kaylie asked. It was clear to me that she was their leader and Janet was her general. But I liked them. They weren’t the type to beat around the bush, that much was clear.

I held my breath, realizing I was about to be included in their ranks. Or not.

They all nodded, and just like that, I felt like one of them. They started talking all at once, offering me advice and telling me about their kids. The interrogation was over.

Chapter Ten


Kaylie tipped her head toward the path that led around the lake. I'd been sipping soda and listening to everyone talk for quite a while without really hearing anything they were saying. Inside me, there was this tight, anxious feeling. I was worried. But every time I looked at the girls, they were smiling.

It looked like Melissa was having a nice time, at least.

Unfortunately, she was not having a nice time with me. Because I was fucking scared to talk to her.

Be a goddamned man, Nick. My God. She’s not going to bite you.


got up and followed Kaylie, Janet, and Molly around the side of the house and into the woods. When they were out of sight to everyone on the deck, they stopped and waited for me to catch up.

"How are you doing, Nick?" Janet asked dryly. “You seem relaxed.”

"Don't tease him! He looks like he's about to throw up," Kaylie said with a chuckle.

"All right, all right," Janet said, holding her hands up. "She likes you. You're in the clear, my friend."

I stared at her, my heart thumping in my chest.

"You're absolutely sure?"

"We're sure. Trust us, Nick," Kaylie added.

"But go slow," Molly said. "She's really green."


“Inexperienced,” Kaylie qualified.

Oh, Jesus, did they mean she was a virgin? I guess I shouldn't have been surprised. She was always pretty sheltered and wrapped up with the horses. But the possibility of being the first one to ever touch her set a massive burst of lust through me.

It would be an honor and a fucking privilege to touch her as it was. But to be the first . . .

Janet nodded.

"Normally, I would tell any girl who dated any of our guys that I'd have their heads if they fucked up with you boys. But in this case, I have to tell you. If you hurt that girl, there will be hell to pay."