“You ready?” I asked, my voice huskier than I meant it to be. I couldn’t help it. The thought that maybe, just maybe, she’d worn jeans so she could ride with me was giving me crazy feelings.

“You look nice,” I said as we walked to the driveway and parking lot near the stables. I was trying to sound casual when in reality, it felt like my brain was melting by how absolutely adorable she was.

“Thank you,” she said, and I stole a look at her. She looked happy to be going out. Maybe that was what was giving her an extra glow.

Because my God, the girl definitely glowed. I'd never seen anything like it. I'd never seen anything like her.

"Have you ever been on one of these?" I asked, feeling extremely grateful that she'd chosen to wear jeans. She shook her head, and I handed her my spare helmet. I had bought it just for the occasion. It was a little bit smaller than mine and made for a woman. I helped her lower it onto her head and then adjusted the chinstrap for her. It was really hard not to stare at her lips.

I took her hand to help her climb on the bike. She gave me a funny look. I knew she probably didn't need my help. The girl mounted horses all the time, for goodness’ sake. But it didn’t matter. We were on a date. And it just didn't seem right to let the girl do anything without my assistance.

My mouth was dry as I settled in front of her.

“Hold on tight,” I said as I kicked over the throttle. “Get closer.”

I waited as she got closer, her thighs pressing against the outsides of mine. My mouth was open and my body was humming with the feel of her. I had to try not to groan out loud. I pulled out and took the long driveway toward the back country road that led to Honeycutt Stables.

The next thirty-five minutes were the best of my life. I could feel her against my back. She got a little closer as I took the first turn. After that, I could feel her chest against me and it was magnificent.

The girl really had no idea of the power she held.

Her curves were monumental. Epic. Unforgettable.

I'd never ridden with a hard-on before. It was a weird experience, pleasurable and painful at the same time. I imagined the rest of my life would be like that unless I managed to get the girl into bed.

By the time we got to Dev and Kaylie’s place, I had managed to control myself enough that I wouldn't embarrass myself when I stood up. The last thing I wanted to do was make the girl feel uncomfortable. I still didn't know if she even felt the same way about me. For all I knew, she thought of me as ‘Uncle Nick’, like all the little kids in our crew did.

Dirty Uncle Nick, more like.

I helped Melissa off the bike and removed her helmet. She looked windblown and happy. In fact, the look in her eyes nearly took my breath away.

“Did you like it?”

She nodded and exhaled.

"I loved it! I'd love to learn to ride one myself. Do you ever go . . ." I leaned in to listen to what she was saying. "Faster?"

My jaw literally dropped. I had been driving a little slower than usual, taking every precaution to make sure she was safe. But hearing her say that made me almost double over with lust.

"Yeah," I said in a rough voice. "I go faster."

There was an unintentional double meaning to my words, but she didn't seem to notice. Probably because she is an innocent and not a filthy perv, I reminded myself. She smiled happily and looked around. There were a lot of bikes outside Devlin and Kaylie's lake house, but most of the guys had brought SUVs with the families. Not Jack, I realized, seeing his massive custom ride. Janet had a full car load just with the kids.

I watched as Melissa ran her fingers through her hair, shaking it loose with a laugh. She was so natural and beautiful. There was nothing fake about her. It took every bit of strength I had not to yank her against me and kiss her senseless.

"Come on," I said, taking her hand again. Every time I touched her, I felt a shock at the contact. I was never going to get used to being around this girl. I was desperate to find out if I was a creepy old pervert or if I had a chance in hell to win her for myself.

Because if I didn't . . . I was going to have to stay away from her. Forever. There was no middle ground with this girl. As much as it would break my heart. I couldn’t think about that, though. Not yet.