"No . . . it's just . . . a reminder to make lunch."

"You must be hungry," I said, my voice unfamiliarly raspy. I was suddenly thinking about all the college boys she must have lining up to date her. An unfamiliar territorial feeling washed over me. I didn’t want anyone texting her. I didn’t want anyone dating her. I didn’t want anyone even looking at her.

But how could they help themselves? They couldn’t. Just like I couldn’t.

It did not escape my notice that neither of us had moved away. We were still holding perfectly still, mere inches from each other. I knew I should step away. But I just couldn't. It felt like a giant magnet was pulling me toward her, holding me in place. Making me want to move closer and closer.

I couldn't move away . . . but I also couldn't ignore the questioning look in her eyes. She didn't want this, that look said. She looked so uncertain. I was pretty much a dirty old man considering pushing himself on an innocent girl. So I did the only thing I could do. I brushed her hair away from her forehead and pressed a kiss there. Even that simple touch created an immediate physical reaction. I felt a blaze of unrelenting lust. My whole body felt hot. My cock was definitely starting to rise. Thank God she had the good sense to step back after a minute.

You're a dirty old creep, Nick. Get a fucking hold of yourself.

"Thanks for the offer,” I rasped out. “But I’d better get going.”

I turned away abruptly, afraid to even look at her. I obviously didn't have control of myself around her. That meant I should stay away. I had to. But I didn't think I'd really be able to do that, either.

"I need a drink," I muttered to myself. Somehow, my feet weren’t cooperating with me. I couldn’t seem to get them to actually move.

"I can bring you some lemonade? You shouldn't drive thirsty," Melissa said with a soft smile.

"Thanks. I'm OK. I should hit the road.”

"I'll see you tomorrow?" she asked hopefully.

I nodded curtly. She did want me to come and hang out with her. She liked me, even if she didn't have want my hands and mouth all over her. But it was dangerous for both of us. Because one of these days, I would snap. I wouldn’t be able to help myself from making a move. And it wouldn’t be subtle.

Melissa was going to end up on her back in a pile of hay. I’d bury myself inside her in a heartbeat. All she had to do was give me the word. At this point, it was inevitable. She was going to have to send me away. Because I was going to keep coming back like a goddamned dog hoping for a bone.

I turned on my heel and left without another word. I was so frantic to get away that I didn't even say goodbye to my horse.

I had a date with a bottle of booze. Maybe two.

Even then, I had my doubts I would be able to block out the confused look on her beautiful face.

Chapter Six


I wrapped the blanket more securely around the precious bundle on my lap. My wife was dozing beside me with her gorgeous legs stretched out over mine. I’d been rubbing her cute little feet. But she was falling asleep. Rubbing her little tootsies always made her fall asleep. Especially now that she was in the second trimester.

As always, I was fighting the urge to wake my wife and take her to the bed. Hell, the couch was even more convenient. The soft curves just inches away were doing crazy things to my body.

My phone pinged and I sighed. Kaylie had no idea that she’d been saved by the bell. Literally.

You’d better get down here. Something’s up with Nick.

Fuck. Jack almost never sent me notes like that. But he sounded worried. Jack was the kind of guy who took everything in stride. God knows, he had been through enough in his lifetime. He rarely actually worried about anything. Well, except about his wife and kids. Any kids, really.

But Jack was like that. The ultimate protector. His upbringing, if you could call it that, made him watch out for children. He was kind of like a younger, tattooed Santa Claus with fists of steel.

Except he brought beatings to those who dared hurt anyone smaller or weaker.

Hell, we were all like that.

Be right there.

I didn’t hesitate. My family came first, but the guys were my family too. So as long as my wife and kid were okay, my brothers had me front and center.

I went to check on our sleeping child. “I need to go to the clubhouse,” I said softly. Big brown eyes blinked up at me.