Mac looked like he wasn’t hearing her at first. Then suddenly, he gripped her face, staring into her eyes.

“I would never hurt you. I will never let anyone hurt you.”

“I know.”

“I love you, Suzanna. I want you to be my wife.”

“Mac.” I watched her fight back tears. “I love you, too.”

And then he kissed her.

The guys started cheering. The women shushed them. But they cheered anyway.

I looked at Kirsten and shrugged. Then I started cheering too. She laughed and started clapping and whooping along with the rest of us.

“Lucky,” she shouted, “you better go check on the kids.” He ran over, gave her a hot, deep kiss, and then jogged up to the house. The next thing I knew, Dev was kissing Kaylie, Jack was kissing Janet, Donnie was kissing Sally, and then I was enveloped in Whiskey’s big, strong arms, lifted up, and kissed soundly.

It was a bit later when he set me down again. The lake was quiet again. Mac was on his knees with his head against Suzanna’s body. She held him like that. I glanced at Whiskey and whispered, “We should give them their privacy.”

He nodded and took my hand, leading me back up the path.

“Let’s go to the cabin and let the kids rest,” Dev said as the crew fell in line behind him. I glanced back to see Callaway just lifting his head from Molly’s lips. Everyone had pretty much lip-locked except the single guys. They looked a bit uncomfortable, truth be told.

“I need a drink,” Jack said, and we all stopped to look at him. Jack hardly ever drank. “What? I was worried about the kid.”

I started laughing. We all did. We walked around the lake toward the cabin, giggling. It wasn’t long before I realized Suzanna and Mac were walking with us.

I took her hand and squeezed it.

“Welcome to the family,” I whispered. “Again.”

Chapter 40


Hunter and Vice had not taken the room with the big bed. That was all I asked. That was all I cared about. I took Suzanna’s hand and yanked her up the stairs.

“Wait!” She said, grabbing a couple of bottles of water. “You’re going to need these.”

I nodded drunkenly. Though, to be honest, I felt a lot more sober than I had a few minutes ago. And more relieved than I could say. Suzanna wasn’t leaving me. She wasn’t.

“We’re going to go lie down,” she told Kaylie as we passed them. Everyone started whooping and hollering. My woman blushed prettily but didn’t try to stop me from dragging her cute little ass up the stairs.

I had her in the room with the door shut in about two seconds. I pressed her against the back of it, reaching down to fumble with the lock.

“This won’t be pretty,” I warned her, my hands already moving over her body hungrily. “I need you too much.”

She nodded and slid her arms around my neck.

“I don’t need pretty, Mac.”

I breathed, resting my forehead against hers.

“I can’t lose you,” I saw in a raw voice. I was still drunk but it didn’t matter. My cards were on the table. I was all in. I had been from the start.

“You won’t,” she said.

I nodded, trying to convince myself. But I needed proof. I needed my ring on her finger.

“Be my wife.”


“I am proposing. Be mine. Marry me.”

She kissed me instead of answering. It was slow at first. Hungry. Little forceful kisses with our mouths open. Hot and needy without being rushed. I growled and pressed myself against her, my cock hard and ready. My tongue delved into her mouth, tasting her, wanting more.

“I want you.”

“Let me take care of you tonight,” she whispered. My eyes grew wide as she pivoted. The next thing I knew, I was against the door and she was lowering herself to her knees. I groaned as her hands pressed me through my jeans, her fingers busy at my fly, then the cool air and her soft hands against my raging hard-on.

“Suzanna…” I almost begged. This did not seem like a good idea. As the soft heat of her mouth closed over me, I almost came then and there. Nothing had ever felt so sweet. So good. So indescribably hot.

She suckled me gently, her fingertips tracing the length of my cock tentatively. I hissed through my teeth, my hands braced against the wall. She pulled me into her mouth and my hips bucked desperately. I wanted to thrust into her warm mouth. But she was so innocent, so sweet, I couldn’t let myself do it.


She gripped the base of my cock a little more confidently now, holding it in place as she ran her tongue around the tip. I huffed, desperately trying to remain in control. I lost.

I yanked her to her feet, lifting her up and tossing her on the bed. I tore her clothes off her, sending buttons flying, ignoring her outraged gasps as fabric ripped and tore. Then I was between her thighs, tonguing her pussy desperately, making sure she was ready for me.