No one would ever forget the day Devlin announced his upcoming wedding to Kaylie. Or how fucked up the big guy had been when she’d said no. Not that she’d actually said no. She’d just taken off and told him she needed time.

He’d had to wait years for that wedding, though I knew he would tell anyone that it was well worth it. I didn’t want to wait years. I couldn’t. I needed Suzanna under my roof and in my bed.

Starting today.

I grabbed her and swung her into my arms for a quick kiss. I was instantly hard from the feeling of her in my arms. She smelled so good that I leaned in to inhale the scent of her neck before biting it.



“Aren’t your friends coming soon?” she asked, sounding breathless. I curled my hips forward, pressing my cock into her. Her head fell backward and I took advantage, tasting the salty sweetness of her skin. “Oh…”

I cursed as I heard the sound of the moving truck pulling in out front. I groaned and rested my forehead on hers.

“Perfect timing,” I murmured huskily. She laughed as I kissed her again and then forced myself to push away. I excused myself and splashed cold water on my face, telling my dick sternly that he would have to wait.

I blotted my face in a clean towel and walked out front. This was it. It was time to move my lady in.

I waved as Dev and the guys pulled up behind the moving truck Whiskey had rented. I wanted to talk to the Prez today.

I had an idea I wanted to run by him.

Chapter 31


“Have you ever seen anything like this?”

I shook my head slowly. Donnie and I were leaning against the moving truck, taking a quick break. Mac was joking around with Cal and the guys, carrying boxes and grinning ear to ear. Mac was actually smiling while Lucky mouthed off to him, even throwing back his head and laughing.

Mac never smiled, let alone laughed.

“It’s even worse than it was with Jack,” I said, recalling how the big guy had hardly ever spoken and never smiled before Janet. Kind of like Mac, but a thousand times more menacing. Not that Mac wasn’t tough as nails. He just didn’t look like a demon had risen from hell. If anything, Mac was even quieter than Jack. I knew they had both had hard times growing up, so it made sense.

And now Mac was changing, right in front of our eyes.

Donnie nodded.

“Worse, in the best possible way.”

“Yeah. I’m fucking happy for him. It’s just… whoa. Talk about a one-eighty.”

And it was true. I’d never seen anything like it. Even Jack had gotten angry before he gave in. The big man had fought his love for Janet hard. He’d been obsessed and pissed off and even tried to push her away. He had failed spectacularly at that last part though.

The feisty redhead was too much for him, I thought with a grin. Mac and Suzanna made sense too, in a completely different way.

People really do fit together like puzzles, man.

It was a crazy thought, but the proof was right in front of me. And I felt it every single day when I was with my woman. I’d wanted Kaylie for years. I’d waited years. I would have killed for her long before I’d kissed her.

She would never know how close I’d come to breaking the law a thousand times when it came to her. First when she was underage. Then when the cops messed with her. And again when she turned down my marriage proposal.

She was lucky people didn’t kidnap brides like they did in the old days anymore. Because I would not have hesitated. I would have scooped her up way before she was ready for me.

Not that the old ways were cool. Ladies deserved the right to decide when and how things went down. I’d had to seriously restrain myself where Kaylie was involved.

My woman had taught me how to respect her and her mind, along with a whole lot of other things too.

Suzanna wasn’t a kid like my girl had been. She was a young woman. She’d been married before. That was good. He’d learn even faster than I did.

I had no doubt that she was going to give Mac a run for his money.

I shook my head.

“He’s in for it.”

“Hundred percent,” Donnie said with a nod. “Mac will not know what hit him.”

* * *

“Can I talk to you for a minute, Dev?”

I nodded at Mac, and we walked toward the now empty moving truck and away from the impromptu barbecue happening in the backyard. Whiskey was on the grill while everyone unpacked and drank beer. It was a big, happy family. I had noticed that Suzanna fit right in. She was kind and easygoing, just like the rest of our girls.