* * *

“I guess we’ll all be pumping and dumping tomorrow.”

I snickered. Janet had brought her famous margarita mix, so we were all getting a bit tipsy.

“I have extra if anyone needs it,” I offered. My cup literally always runneth over. And by cup, I mean boobs.

“You and your boobs,” Angel said with a snicker. The door opened and the delicious scent of cheese fries filled the air.

“Sorry we’re late,” Becky said as she and Sally walked into the cabin. “We stopped at Mae’s.”

“How is she?”

“She’s feisty as ever. Says the new waitresses suck. Sends her love.”

“Are those cheese fries? Please tell me those are cheese fries,” Kaylie moaned.

“And milkshakes. And turkey burgers.”

Becky introduced herself to Suzanna with a smile.

“We thought you could use comfort food.”

“And wine,” Sally added. “I brought wine.”

She sat next to Suzanna with a big smile.

“I’m Mac’s sister-in-law, more or less.”

The girls all giggled.

“We all are.”

“Well, yes, but my husband, Donnie, is Mac’s cousin. He helped raise him. Thinks of him as a little brother.”

“A little brother who can’t get laid.” Janet cackled, and everyone turned to glare at her. “What? I’m just trying to take her mind off it.”

“Mac doesn’t play the field. I’m glad he finally found someone worth taking a chance on,” Sally said, giving Suzanna a quick hug. I had to admit it. My eyes started to tear up.

“I’ve never once seen him with a woman. Mac is practically a monk. Other than drinking and fighting. And riding too fast. And–”

“Hush, you are going to freak her out.” I tried to steer the conversation away from anything that would worry the poor girl. She was already freaked out by some scum-sucking lawyer who was harassing her.

“What did you mean, take my mind off ‘it’?”

We all exchanged looks. Kaylie nodded.

“Well, being with guys like ours, things can get a little intense…” She trailed off and Janet took up the thread. “They usually take the law into their own hands.”

Suzanna paled and sat up.

“The law?”

“For example, right now, they are probably breaking all the fingers in that lawyer’s hand.”

Suzanna’s jaw dropped open. I cringed a little. Janet did not mince words.

“Don’t worry, honey. They aren’t going to kill him.”

Again, true, but it didn’t seem to reassure her. They had yet to actually kill any of the bad guys they’d had to handle.

“They went after him? What if he has backup? What if he hurts Mac? I’ll never forgive myself if he gets hurt for me!”

There was a moment of silence as we all stared at her.

“I knew I liked you,” Janet said for us all. “You are definitely going to fit in just fine. And so will the boys. They can all handle themselves.”

“Together, they are pretty much unstoppable.”

“It would take a tank,” Becky offered. “Two tanks.”

We all nodded and watched in awe as the cranky kitty appeared, jumped on Janet’s lap, and made herself at home.

“Be careful. She bites sometimes.”

“That’s okay.” Janet smiled and stroked the ball of fluff. “So do I.”

Chapter 20



I stared through the window at the piece of shit lounging in his million-dollar house. How dare he sit there sipping his fucking Chablis while my woman was alone and scared? He had already come off as a scumbag. Now he was a dirtbag on top of it.

He’d frightened Suzanna.

And now he was gonna pay.

“Should we make an entrance? Or just… ring the doorbell?” Cal asked with a grin.

“Why don’t we let Jack and Whiskey pull a Kool-Aid Man?” Lucky snickered.

Everyone was here. And everyone was fucking excited. Not one of us was okay with a man who messed with a woman. Any woman. When it was one of our women, it went to a whole other level.

They had just met Suzanna, but she was already one of us.

I fucking loved her, and my brothers could tell. Even though I hadn’t told her yet.

Soon. I’ll tell her soon.

“Let’s go ’round back. Invite him out all friendly,” Nick drawled. Kyle nodded, cracking his knuckles. “Do we all get to take a crack at him?” he asked hopefully.

I shook my head.

“This is all me. I just need backup to make sure he actually comes outside to play.”

“I’ll ask him real nice,” Drake said with a menacing sneer.

“Guys,” I said, turning to Drake and the other prospects. “This will probably cost you your job. And there’s a chance he will go to the cops.”

“Yeah, he looks like a real crybaby,” Donnie added. “Only weak men get off on picking on women. I know the type.”

We all knew he was talking about Sally’s ex. And we all knew what had happened to him.

“Don’t care,” Kyle said instantly. “I’m in.”

Drake and Nick nodded. Dev slapped my back.

“You know we aren’t going anywhere.”

“Well, I have an idea,” Nick said with a grin. “How ’bout we invite ourselves in for a little party? He has some top-shelf liquor in there.”