I almost fell over laughing at the sight.

Jack had taken it all in stride. He came back and hoisted another couple of giggling, wiggling kids in the air. Wigs stared falling off. Jack stopped in front of his wife and stared at her.

“You are going to pay for this, you naughty girl.”

She gave him a saucy smirk.

“Oh, I hope so.”

He growled appreciatively and left. Back and forth he went until every single redheaded child was in the car, other than the infants. Jayce popped out from behind a chair. She was the last one standing. Jack pretended to make a grab for her but she squealed and pulled her wig off.

“It’s me, Uncle Jack!”

He scratched his big head and played along.

“I thought you were one of mine.”

“I’m too big!”

“So you are, Jayce. So you are.”

He rumpled her hair and grabbed the wig, plopping it on his head. Then he grabbed his ginger ale, sat down, and acted like nothing in the world had happened.

Janet laughed so hard I was pretty sure she had margaritas coming out of her nose. We all did.

Mac came to stand beside me.

“You guys pulled it off. I can’t believe it.”

“It was all Janet. She’s diabolical.”

“Yes, she is. I’m glad she’s on our side.”

“Me too, brother. Me too.” I slapped my hand on his back and gave him a half-hug. “You’re married.”

He grinned.

“Yes, I am.”

“I don’t have to worry about your sad-sack ass anymore.”

“No, you don’t.”

The half-hug turned into a whole hug. I squeezed him, stole his beer, and sent him to dance with his bride.

Drinks were had, toasts were made, and most importantly, I got to dance with my wife while Mac took over singing a couple of songs with the band. And at the end of it, I took my beautiful wife and made sweet, sweet love to her.

It was a good night. A very, very good night.

Chapter 45


“They will be going for a while,” I said, wrapping my arms around Suzanna. She was resting against the deck railing, looking out at the lake. There were lights on at Lucky’s house, and you could just barely see the twinkling lights set up at her cottage.

I hadn’t told her about the plan to spend our wedding night there.

There were about a million rose petals on the bed, the path, along with fake, fire-proof candles along the path, and inside.

Everything was ready.

I just had to get her there.

“Ready to go?”

She leaned back against me and I kissed her neck. I couldn’t stop kissing her. Every time we danced or sat together, or even if she was just walking by, I had to kiss her.

She was my wife and it was my right.

I got kisses on demand now, dammit.

“I thought you would never ask,” she said, turning around in my arms to face me. I stared down at her, feeling a deep sense of satisfaction. I’d won. I’d gotten the girl. And I got to keep her. “But where are we going?”

“It’s a surprise,” I murmured, bending down to take her mouth in a kiss.

We said our goodbyes. She gave me a questioning look as I led her toward the dock, not the parking in front of the house. I smiled as the boat came into view. Her eyes got wide as she saw it.

It was just a little boat with an outboard motor, but it was tricked out with flowers and fake candles. It was glowing. She squealed as I set one foot in the boat, lifted her up, then set her down. The boat rocked and she clung to me, making me instantly hard.

“I got you, baby.”

Preacher glared at me from his spot against the rail. He lifted his bottle of tequila and toasted me. I saluted him back, wondering if he was drinking the same bottle and if it tasted like lake water.

“What a night,” Suzanna said with a laugh as I helped her take a seat. I sat across from her and Drake tossed me the rope. The guys had been pivotal in setting up the surprise I had waiting for my bride. I was fucking lucky as hell to have such good friends.

“It’s barely started.”

Her eyes got wide as I stared at her, starting the motor. I could distinctly see her that her gorgeous nipples were hard in the candle light. We set off across the lake, streamers and a Just Married sign hanging off the side of the boat. People were snapping photos and whooping as we went.

I grinned at my wife, steering the boat unerringly toward the dock we had hastily installed. The job site was still being prepped, but there was an asphalt path leading from the dock to the cottage. Everything else would be done later.

For tonight, I just needed a way to get my wife into bed.

I helped her out of the boat and then picked her up again. She wrapped her arms around my neck and rested her head on my shoulder. I carried her up the pathway, lit by more of Janet’s candles.